Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hot raw veggies

I woke up early because my hands hurt so much. I could not bend my fingers into a fist. I read some e-mail, then dressed and went out to water the plants. While it was still early, I used a trowel to dig grass out of the cracks in the driveway. Then Charlie came by. I was expecting him to mow the grass tomorrow, forgetting that it was July 4th. He could see the grass did not need mowing, so I offered to let him do other work, but he said he had plenty of lawns to do today. He did chat for a bit before going across the street to mow their lawn. They must water it. I went inside then to exercise and fix breakfast. I had audios to listen to. I heard one down in my sewing room as I drew two more hexagon blocks and drafted pattern pieces for them. I sewed the purple binding onto the kaleidoscope quilt, but discovered it was too short. Astounding! Must have measured wrong. I also trimmed the donation quilt. I picked some cherry tomatoes and a cucumber for lunch. I like my veggies fresh, but these were hot off the vine, literally. I put on my bathing suit for a short stretch in the sun. Then I took a shower and wrapped in a towel. That is how I was dressed while reading e-mail when Chris came home from work early. It was a good thing Michele had earbuds on because we...never mind. Chris sat at his computer to wait for the voices to start the game. I went down to add the requisite amount to the purple binding, and then start the handsewing part. I came up for supper. Then spent some time outside watering (again) and communing with nature. When nature started biting, I came in. The game was over so we watched episodes of NCIS. Michele watched one or two, then returned to her computer game. Now its midnight and Chris has gone to bed.
* This is a set of placemats that my mother made. Luckily she gave me the pattern so I can make my own set. Sadly, I do not know where it is. *

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