Monday, July 9, 2012

The game they couldn't quit

I got up early Sunday morning to post for Saturday. I watered the garden and read e-mail, fixed breakfast, all the usual things. Then I took a shower and dressed for church. Michele did not get out of bed. Chris left her his cell phone since we do not have a home phone. Before church, I gave some music to the organist. After church we went to Publix. We called Michele to find out if she needed more cereal or bread. We brought the food home. Michele helped put it away. She and Chris prepared a pork roast and put it in the oven. They also stripped the beds and started the washing machine. Then they were playing Michele's game on her computer: the game she has been playing every day since she downloaded it the new computer. That was less than 24 hours after she arrived in the states. Since they weren't paying me any attention, I went downstairs to sew. I finished two yellow blocks and the binding for the kaleidoscope. But they were still playing. I hung up some laundry from yesterday and finished the washing and drying of the sheets. I ate some of the pork and a big salad for supper. I posted pics of my latest kombucha batch to the KombuchaKamp yahoo group for people to comment on. They were still playing. So I watched a movie called Paul. It was ok, but because of the language I can't recommend it. They were still playing. I left hints that I was not happy with so little attention. Still they played. They were having a blast and I couldn't really fault them for not wanting to stop. I went back to the sewing room. I figured out what the next step should be (to make one of the blocks bigger) and chose fabrics for that. Then they came down with a bowl of popcorn to watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I wasn't going to join them, but I was tired from so much standing at my sewing table. After the movie, Chris and Michele went to bed, but I was too tired to go up the stairs. So I dozed until I could muster up the energy, then went to bed.

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