Sunday, July 22, 2012

Good bye Scoby

We woke up with plenty of time to get to church, and yet somehow we missed our window of opportunity. That did not sit well with me since we will miss the next two Sundays. Chris went to the grocery store while I listened to audios that I missed over the past two days. Michele and I went through boxes of her stuff downstairs so she could tell me what she didn't want any more. She identified quite a bit. She also found some clothing that she still likes and can still wear. She tried them on and selected an outfit to wear to the movies. She and Chris went to see The Dark Knight at a local theatre. I took the opportunity to sunbathe. Then I picked some tomatoes, but could not find any cucumbers. I poured the last of my kombucha in the blender along with the scobies. With apologies, I blended them up into a bacterial mass. Some of it got poured on the cucumbers in the garden and the remains got diluted with a bucket of water and spread on the compost pile. I followed that with mowing the front yard until the mower quit. I know that Charlie is supposed to come tomorrow, but the grass is really high, and it stays wet all day. I had to keep banging clods of wet grass clippings out of the blade area. I plugged it in, expecting to come back to it. But I found enough to do in the computer that I never quite finished. Nor did I get around to sorting my new/old stash (see pic). Chris and Michele fixed supper: a chicken with onions and chorizo. They watched an old Batman movie while it cooked. I did internet searches on the people renting our house, and started a loaf of bread. After supper we all watched an episode of NCIS. Then Chris went to bed. It is only 10 so I may stay up a while.

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