Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fleecing Party

After waking me up, Chris went to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast. I took a shower and got dressed. I fixed breakfast and skimmed e-mail. There were no origami critters to be made over the weekend:( Then I collected a few items like a cutting board and rotary cutter. I threw in some seaweed and kombucha. I arrived at church about 20 minutes late, but no one seemed to notice. They were all busy cutting fleece blankets for the Linus project. I had brought a pack of 3 scissors and those got handed out pretty quickly. I was put to work squaring off the edges with a yardstick and cutting out 4 inch corners. Other ladies cut the edges into 1 x 4 inch fringes and still others cut small slits into the center of each fringe strip. I enjoyed my part using a rotary cutter, but the ladies with scissors got tired hands. Around lunch time people started leaving. There were only 4 blankets left to square up and I decided to take them home where I could do a better job with a larger mat and rulers. Shannon gave me a jar of sun-dried tomato butter. It sounded amazing. I was going to clean up the craft room for tomorrow but then forgot. I went straight home. Chris was on his laptop and doing laundry. I spent a little time outside trying to attach the bagger to the lawnmower, but it wouldn't fit. So I mowed without it for a bit, but it seemed pointless if not picking up the few remaining leaves. I found an instruction manual on-line. It didn't help alot, but did confirm that I have the right bag for that mower. So I went back and forced it to fit. Chris tuned into the voices for gaming. Michele was on, too, which made me very happy. I tried to watch a quilting DVD on my laptop, but the computer refused to recognize the disk. I tried it on Chris' laptop, and it worked fine. So I went down and watched it on the TV. When I came up, supper was almost ready. I cooked up the quinoa that has been soaking since yesterday. I finished the last few bites of duck, and then we ate organic ground beef with tomatoes. I read a Star Trek book for hours, listening to the gaming. When it was over, I spoke with Michele. She really likes the black and silver top from Faye. And the pecan pie arrived in reasonable condition. She ate it in two days, finishing it just before she had to go to the airport. I made a proto-type crown for Sunday School tomorrow. Then it was almost 10pm. There wasn't time to watch a Sharpe movie, so Chris went to the CBS website and we watched two episodes of Big Bang Theory before we went to bed.
* This is the raincoat from Thursday *

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