Monday, January 21, 2013

Tranquil Days at Hilton Head


We got up early, packed and then read e-mail while waiting to see what the weather would do. After reading the reports, we decided to go to Augusta as planned. We left about 10, seeing some school traffic because the schools opened late. We listened to a book on CD on the way. We had a little GPS trouble. I wonder if street signs will one day go the way of pay phones. What do you do when the GPS directions differ from the road signs? We arrived in Augusta about 4:30. Ashley let us in to their house. We talked for a bit, then ate some pot roast for supper. Chris drove me to the Lutheran church where the ladies were expecting me. He went to the hotel where Seige of Augusta was being held. Several ladies had brought cutting mats and cutters. There was the leftover red sashing fabric from a memorial quilt that the church had made 7 or 8 years ago with my help. There was also a bolt of white fabric. We cut the white into squares and the red into strips. I explained how the first two quilts were made. These ladies will make a third one to honor those who have died more recently. At 8 the group broke up. I was going to call Chris, but Nancy wanted to drive me over to the hotel to save Chris the trip (and possibly so they wouldn't have to wait for him to arrive before they closed the church). On the way over, I noted many changes to traffic patterns since I lived there. At the hotel, I greeted the players that I knew. I figured Chris was in one of the back rooms, but he had already left for the church. So he had to come back to the hotel to get me. Then we went back to Mary's house. I enjoyed talking with her and Mark. Then we went to bed. I figured to post to my blog the next day. Chris set the alarm for 6:15 EST (which was 5:15 Alabama time).


I did not get up when the alarm went off. It was dark and the bed was warm. However I did get up, clean up, and get dressed before 7. I ate the first of my prepared breakfasts. The plan was for Celeste to pick us up at 7 and head for Hilton Head, stopping at yard sales as necessary. But she was running a little behind. The ground was covered with frost. Mary and I drove around the vicinity scouting ahead for yardsales, but did not see any. When Celeste arrived, we loaded our stuff in the car and headed out. Mary was driving. We found two yardsales before we left Augusta. Celeste had to drop her purchases off at her house because we were so tightly packed. We spent three hours riding to Hilton Head. Silvia called us from a yard sale. We tried to meet her and Linda there, but had trouble programming the GPS. We were using Mary's phone as one GPS to get to the condo. So Silvia and Linda met us on the main highway. We followed them to the condo. It was very nice, and it was in a lovely place. It was quiet and well appointed. The landscaping was very peaceful. Actually we did not see the landscaping on Saturday. Instead, after unpacking the cars, we ate tamales for lunch. Silvia found them at a yard sale. Then we looked for thrift shops. It was 3pm and several were closed. But we found two side by side. We shopped in both, and at the Tuesday Morning next door. Then we found a Goodwill. We parted with some of our money there, too, before heading back to the condo. Silvia made lasagna for supper and we exchanged gifts. I passed out the 4 quilts that I picked out. We talked until quite late. Celeste and Mary slept on the sleeper sofa and Silvia and I had a bedroom with twin beds. The place was quiet, but since the ceiling fan was on all night, maybe there were noises that I didn't hear.


The whole place was quiet when I got up. I thought of posting to my blog, but there was no wifi there. Everyone else seemed to have smart phones, so they didn't need it. I peeked out to hit the bathroom, and then later to take my supplements. No one seemed to be awake but Mary. I figured, like me, she didn't want to wake anyone. But eventually we all woke up. Linda fixed a breakfast egg casserole. I had some and it was good. But I also ate one of my prepared breakfasts. We decided to walk down to the beach. That is when we saw how beautifully the grounds were landscaped. I could sit on one of those benches with a book and read for days. The weather was warm considering that it was January and in South Carolina. The beach was lovely, and hardly anyone there. We walked to the left. I took off my shoes and walked in the surf. If it weren't for the wind, I could have worn shorts and a t-shirt. We spent hours picking up shells, driftwood, and interesting objects. One was an intact horseshoe crab shell. So intact, that when I picked it up, it moved and I dropped it. I yelped and it crawled away. We passed several people walking their dogs. Pets are not allowed in the condo area, so they must have come through the public access. When we got back to the condo, we talked and ate supper. Then I moved my stuff to Celeste's car. Mary's was already packed. Celeste brought her stuff down and we stuffed it all in the trunk and back seat. We hugged Silvia and Linda goodbye. We really didn't want to leave but did not want to keep the men waiting up for us. Celeste drove most of the way, but her eyes got tired, and Mary took over. We arrived at 11:15. Mark and Chris were up, so we talked to them for a bit. I checked my e-mail and saw 236 unread messages. I deleted quite a few, then went to bed without checking any that were left.


We woke up about 9. The house was quiet because no one was there. We showered, dressed and ate breakfast. Mark was still at work, and Ashley came in before we left. Mary returned from the gym. So we got to say goodbye to them. Like at the condo, we hated to leave, but there were errands to be run. We listened to another Evanovitch book on the way home, stopping at Cracker Barrel for lunch. We just had time to start a third on before we got home. It was not a Stefanie Plum novel, and so not as interesting. We hit Publix on the way home. After unloading the car and putting away the groceries, Chris put two chickens in the oven for supper. We ... had a nap. Then we sat at our laptops to whittle down the unread e-mails. After supper, we watched the last part of Shogun and looked up some of the actors who seemed familiar. Then Chris went to bed while I contemplated how to write up the whole weekend and not leave anything out. I am about to go to bed and I know I shall then think of things I forgot to write here. Pictures will be posted tomorrow, if God is willing.

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