Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Many errands out of the way

It was a productive day. It started with e-mail (both reading them and writing them), then exercise and breakfast. I booked a room near Paducah for the show. I washed and ironed the fabric from yesterday. My latest order of nuts arrived. I put in a Swanson's order for supplements. I bled off some of the latest batch of kombucha. I emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it. I folded a boat from the origami calendar (there was no object for yesterday). I finished drawing the pattern for the iron caddy. I darned Chris' sock. I found a quilt top in my sewing room that could serve me well in the next two weeks if I can get it quilted, and Linda said she could pick it up tomorrow. (Now I need to get a backing put together by tomorrow morning). I put together a binding for the donation quilt and pinned it on. Chris came home at 5 and I came up for supper. I heated some spaghetti squash in the oven with sun-dried tomato butter. I showered and dressed for choir, then had a bite of supper before heading out. It had rained all day and was still raining when I left. I was just a bit early for choir. But by the time we started, there were only a handful of women. The tenor and bass sections, however, were bigger than I've ever seen them. A new organist was auditioning. He looked so young he could have been in high school. After practice, I stopped at the dollar store on the way home. I picked up more cheap beaded necklaces for the Sunday school class. When I got home, Chris was on his laptop. I went downstairs to find a backing fabric for the top. Chris came down soon after, ready to watch TV. We saw Sharpe's Waterloo. Then he went to bed, and I must get ready for tomorrow.
* I saw this wallhanging in the first quilt shop. Surely one of my readers will appreciate it. *

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