Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Now we know why

We slept in just because we could. Chris got up for breakfast and I took a shower. I meant to exercise but my abs were sore from yesterday. I got out the origami calendar that Faye gave me for my birthday. I set it up and folded the first item- a nightingale. While I was reading my e-mail, I skyped Kurt to see if he had opened his geode. He hadn't, but then he did it on skype just so I could see it. The inside looked like sparkling salt. I read e-mail until midafternoon. Then I put on an audio and went downstairs to sew. I added borders to the tablerunner, auditioned triangles for the ends, prepared a backing and found a piece of batting that was just the right length and width. I pinned it all together. Then I came up, drawn by the smell of a roasting duck. It was 6:30 and the duck wasn't finished, but Chris had cooked the heart, neck, gizzard, and liver in a pot on the stove. I ate that and fixed a large salad. Later we ate part of the duck. I watched a 2 hour video by Ricky Tims on quilting. It took longer than that because the download was so slow. I prepared 8 days worth of vitamins and supplements, and organized the recyclables.
When we bought the duck, it was right next to a Tur-duc-hen. In case anyone doesn't know, that is a turkey, duck and chicken all in one. It made me think of the poem 'There was an old lady who swallowed a fly...". My brain came up with new verses.
"There was an old lady who swallowed a turkey. She had to be perky to swallow a turkey. She swallowed the turkey to get the duck. It's a wonder it didn't get stuck. She swallowed the duck to get the hen. I don't know why she swallowed the hen, because she can? "
I know, I know, don't quit my day job.
Anyway, it got me to thinking about the fly. Swallowing it didn't kill her, the horse probably did. But the fly was like a gateway drug, it lead to bigger and more powerful animals. So should swallowing flies be made illegal because they lead to swallowing horses? And I imagine she lived next to the old lady who lived in a shoe and had so many kids she didn't know what to do. This raises a lot more questions. Why did she live in a shoe? If she was old, why did she have young children? Were they hers? Why are fairytales picking on old women, why isn't there an old man with too many kids? I can just imagine one of the boys coming home to say "Billy just dared the old lady next door to swallow a fly, and SHE DID! It was so cool! Tomorrow he's going to dare her to eat a spider."
Maybe I'd better keep my mind on quilting.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Hi Fern! You really made me laught today with your poetry and your ruminations about fairy tales. ;-)