Friday, January 25, 2013

High- tech troubles

We woke up at 7:30. I don't remember hearing an alarm. The weather outside was reasonable. No precipitation. Chris had a teleconference which he took at his laptop. Then he got dressed for work and left. I read e-mail, jumped on the rebounder and ate breakfast at 10. I folded the latest origami item. So far there has only been one that I could not figure out. That was yesterday's box. Sometime in the late morning it started to rain. I checked the basement and garage but did not find any water. I searched the internet for an app to play individual notes, like on a piano. When I finally found one, I did not know what to do. I downloaded it to my PC, but it was an apk file and my laptop did not know what to do with it. So I wrote to Kurt for help. I called GBnT to change our address on statements. They told me I had to request it through the on-line banking system. Since I did not have and ID or password, a very nice man talked me through setting it up. I worked on my red, blue and tan quilt for awhile. I watched a bunch of tapping audios on the subject of deserving. I poured off the current batch of kombucha into jars and brewed another batch. It is fermenting now. Chris came home early because of the weather. I sewed some more, then fixed a big salad for supper and jumped on my laptop to see if there were any new e-mails. I took the tomato jars to the garage. Chris ate supper then drove to a friend's house to play Battletech. I put dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I cleaned up the diningroom table a bit. I scrubbed the sink. I practiced the choir piece one last time. Kurt answered my e-mail, so I answered him back and tried to get the website on the tablet. It was a long webaddress, so I just typed in main part, and scoured the site for the app I wanted. After all, there were less than 2000 pages of apps for my model of tablet. I should have just typed in the whole address. But I eventually found it and tapped the 'download' button. But the screen changed and there was another 'download' button. So did I not just download it? I tapped the second 'download' button. Up came another screen. Then it wanted me to scan a QR code. Well, that would be quite a feat since the QR code is on the screen side of the tablet and the camera is on the other side. Maybe with a system of mirrors.... Sometimes I think I am hopelessly outdated. Technology has passed me by. I need to build a time machine and go back to corded phones and TV's with channel knobs.

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