Thursday, January 3, 2013

I started the morning by folding a raincoat from the origami calendar. I removed last year's quilting calendar and hung up the new one. I read e-mail, did a little exercise, and started fixing breakfast. Then I realized that this is recycling day, so I quickly dressed and put the recyclables out by the road. Then breakfast could continue. After breakfast I called Jane who is in a later time zone. I read e-mail, and worked on the dried gluesticks. One site recommended microwaving them for 5 seconds. It does loosen them up, but they are only sticky as long as they are warm. When they cool off, they are duds again. So I went back to the internet and found another site that recommends putting them in a ziplock bag with water overnight. This is what I'm doing now. After that I had an early lunch. I went downstairs to hem the tablerunner. Then I went outside to pick up sticks. Looking around at the yard, you can't see them. But walk around with your head down, and they are everywhere. I watered my greenhouse garden and uncovered the other one a little. I did not have a audio to play while doing yardwork, so I got to thinking. Why do fairytales target old women? Some day I will be one. Will there be a fairytale about me? It might go like this:

"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,

She had so much fabric that she didn't know what to do.

So she stacked it and whacked it and sewed it with thread,

then quilted it all and covered her bed."

(I'm gonna need a BIG shoe.)

Anyway, thinking about that got me to thinking that maybe I should give some of my quilts as presents. So I pulled them out and stared at them for awhile. I just don't know what people like and no one told me they wanted a quilt. But all my quilting friends made quilts as presents, so people must want quilts even if they don't ask for them. Chris came home, so I gave up on that. We had leftover duck and salad for supper. I tried to watch the latest TQS video, but it kept starting and stopping. Its like the whole internet is slow. Download times have increased and it makes me want to just walk away from the computer. But then I tried watching on Chris' laptop, and it played beautifully.

We went down to watch Sharpe's Battle on DVD from the library. When we came up, he checked my laptop for things that might slow it down. He tried the video and it played fine for him. I checked my phone and saw that Dad had called. I called him back. He was uncertain how to dip Mom's hand. He also told me it took her four hours to take her pills and eat supper. Then he had to get her ready for bed.

I wrote my blog and watched more of the video.

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