Tuesday, January 15, 2013


It was raining when I got up. It has been raining as long as I can remember. I may have to google a picture of the sun.
I woke up hearing a phone ring, and I thought it was Chris'. So I e-mailed him, and he called to say he had both of his phones. So it was my phone I was hearing. (And for whatever reason, I would continue to hear it ring for the rest of the day.) I called back, and it was the lady in charge of the meeting on Friday. She probably doesn't realize that Alabama is an hour behind Georgia. So I was up anyway, might as well stay up. I exercised a little, read e-mail, and ate breakfast. I took my laptop downstairs to listen while I trimmed the quilt from yesterday. But I couldn't find it. It was not in the sewing room. I checked the garage. Then I checked my car. I checked the garage again, and the sewing room. I checked upstairs. Finally I found it behind a box in the basement. Panic narrowly averted. I trimmed it and started the long, arduous process of auditioning binding. I was amazed to find that the first fabric I tried was good enough. It was green and matched the back perfectly. It went with the top so well that it disappeared, but I decided that that was ok. I cut the binding strips, sewed them together, and pressed the long line in half. I pinned it to the quilt and took a break for lunch. I read more e-mail and played another audio. I had a very large salad, and some Camembert. Then I sewed the binding to the front and pinned about half of it to the back. Chris came home, so I took it upstairs to hand-sew. It was too quiet, so after a while, I brought up CSI on my laptop to watch while I sewed. When Chris was ready to watch TV, I paused it and went downstairs. As we watched Part 1 of Shogun, I noticed water seeping out from under the interior wall. When I could stand it no more, we paused the movie to mop up the water with towels. (When the roaches are gone, you know its bad). There was also water in front of the dryer, and in the NE corner of my sewing room. In fact, the whole runner was soaked. I unpacked the rug cleaner. I suctioned water out of the rug, and off of the floor in several places. We finished the DVD, and then I suctioned the new water that had come in. Chris asked me if I was going to stay up all night doing that. When I had gotten all I could, I decided to take a break to write this blog and then give it one last go before bed.
* This is the previous quilt that I finished binding. Cathy quilted it. *

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