Friday, January 18, 2013

Getting ready for the weekend

Today it snowed. There wasn't much accumulation, but I could hear it hit the windows. The schools closed early, the quilt guild meeting was canceled, and Chris came home after lunch. I prepared three breakfasts for the weekend and a slew of daily doses of supplements. I alternated checking e-mail with checking the basement for water. The flow has stopped and only one puddle remains. I tried to finish the pickled turnip greens for lunch, but couldn't quite eat the last part. Chris did the laundry. I folded the towels from yesterday and put them away. I cleaned up my sewing table as much as I could. It was covered with boxes from the unit that was moved away from the wall. I trimmed the extra batting from the black quilt and pinned the backing onto the front. I stitched it down while listening to an audio on business. I drank glasses of water while going through some new tapping audios. All of a sudden I felt dizzy and lightheaded, so I laid down and fell asleep. When I woke up, I went down to gather up all the strips of backing. I pressed them, angled the ends, and sewed them end to end. Then I pressed the long strip in half and wound it around a square ruler. By then Chris was ready to watch TV. We saw the rest of part 2, and all of part 3 of Shogun. It has the feel of a soap opera, moves slowly, and involves lots of scowling.
* This is half of the quilt I finished binding last night *

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