Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fermented Lemonade

Last night I laid down to listen to two meditation sessions. I did not mean to fall asleep, but I did. Chris did not want to disturb me, so he laid down on the couch. He woke in the middle of the night, and so did I. So we both crawled into bed, with no sheets and only a tangle of blankets. I barely woke up when my phone rang at 8. It was in the den and I idly wondered how long it would ring if I weren't there to shut it off. It did not last long. Nor did it ring again. When I did finally get up, it was 9. Chris' phone did not ring. I showered and dressed. I was not hungry so I skipped breakfast. I woke Chris just as I left. There was no craft this Sunday, but the kids were assembling Easter care packages for servicepeople overseas. I arrived in the middle of that activity with extra boxes and my choir folder. Turns out the choir wasn't singing today. Instead, the kids rang chimes (as we processed into the church with our palm crosses), and later Cecelia sang a beautiful solo. Chris arrived before the procession. When the service was over, I was really hungry so we slipped out the side door and headed home. I fixed breakfast and Chris made lunch. We both read e-mail for awhile. I put the clean sheets on the bed. Then we went shopping. In the rain. We started at Home Depot for light bulbs and nails, then went to Kroger for flax seed, and finally to Publix for regular groceries and bandaids. I opened more e-mail, did three tapping videos and practiced for Easter. I also juiced up two red beets, a lemon, a cucumber, and some celery. It wasn't too bad. Some of the beet juice and vegetable pulp went into the kimchi to get fermented. Speaking of fermentation, I checked on my first batch of fermented lemonade. It still doesn't taste fermented, but I put it in the frig anyway. It might be growing a scoby of sorts. Then we watched three episodes of Eureka in the basement.

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