Thursday, March 21, 2013

More star blocks

I spent the morning exercising, practicing, tapping and finally having breakfast. It was a sunny day and not as cold as had been predicted. Last night I had spot treated a shirt that came out of the wash with stains on it. Since that didn't work, today I rubbed the stains with leftover lemon halves and set it in the sun. I decided to plant tomato seeds, so I got out a tray of peat discs and watered them. They kept soaking up all the water so I kept watering them and never got around to actually planting the seeds. I picked some greens for my daily green smoothie. I took some fabric to the basement to wash, iron and fold. While it was washing, I cut sets of white squares for making more star blocks. Then I made list of all the quilt labels I have been meaning to make. I found coordinating fabric for each one. Then I fired up the oldest computer (Windows 98) because it has the embroidery software on it. While it was booting up (the older they are, the longer it takes) I took a shower and dressed up a bit. I was ironing fabric in the basement when Chris came home. When I finished, we drove to Bonefish Grill to meet three of his coworkers. But before they arrived, we saw Bob and his wife leaving the restaurant. We chatted with them briefly and then our party arrived. We had a long wait outside because they were so busy and I was worried about being late for choir practice. Then we waited inside. Maybe an hour total. But we got a nice table near the door. Getting our food took awhile too. My phone rang when I was in the bathroom. It was Charlie. I tried to call him back but the reception was so bad that I could not get through. So how could my phone ring? Anyway, Chris and I finished eating and had to leave before the rest were ready. Chris drove me to the church. We were a couple minutes late, but not too bad. Cecelia was waiting for me so she could tell me that Ed said we could spend the money we needed to make the new kneelers. Then a lady I did not know asked me about quilting since I was carrying the baby quilt in a bag. I gave it to Megan, who is due right after Easter. Then we had a short choir practice. Chris waited in the vestibule. Megan looked at the quilt after practice and thanked me. Then Chris took me home. We watched an episode of Eureka and went to bed. I was feeling lethargic after the restaurant meal, so did not feel like staying up to blog.
* These are the blocks I made Monday *

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