Friday, March 8, 2013


For some reason I woke up at 6:40. So I read e-mail and took that special Vit C. I was listening to an audio and had a hard time concentrating on it. So I took the laptop to the bedroom so I could lay down and concentrate. I think I dozed off for a bit. When it was over, I plugged it back in in the diningroom. I did my exercises, my tapping, and cleared more e-mail. I had some beef tongue about 10 and breakfast at 11. The mailman came by with another box. But, like yesterday, it was for Chris. Where is my book? I worked on the quilt for awhile, then spent an hour outside raking up leaves and pinecones. I made a glass of cilantro water, and had some cheese. I took a shower and dressed in black. I left about 3:15. There was bad traffic in front of the high school, but it did not delay me too much. When I got to the church, hardly anyone was there. I left my phone in the car. I greeted Shannon, then sat in the sanctuary to wait. I got a program which reminded me which song the choir was going to sing. I looked it up in the hymnal and practiced it in my head. More people came, some of them choir members. The choir director came by with enlarged copies of the hymn. The service started late. I heard two phones ring. It was a full Sunday-type service, with eulogies added. I nearly cried several time. Thank goodness I had extra tissues. I only knew the deceased as the man who sat in our pew. But I learned a lot from the eulogies and took notes. I was thinking of embroidering pillow top or something. After the service there was a reception. First I spoke to the pastor's wife about her upcoming medical procedure. It is a three-day process where they cut something in her ear, and then injected medications. It is for vertigo. She says the medications can cause dizziness. I wondered how they could tell. Then I spoke to Shannon at length. Then I spent time at the picture table, seeing what their fondest memories were. Some pictures were reprinted in the programs so I did not take pictures of the picture table. Google says it is not nice to take pictures at a funeral. After the reception, I went home, changed my clothes and made a large salad. I checked the latest e-mail. Chris called to talk before he went to bed. He did not win all the tournament rounds today playing feudal French. Tomorrow he is playing a Vlad the Impaler army in team tournaments. I needed a break, so I watched 2 episodes of Castle through the ABC network online. Then I got an e-mail that Michele wanted a particular rice pudding recipe. So I typed it up and sent it to her. Now I am ready for bed.

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