Saturday, March 2, 2013

Trumpet for Sunday School

Chris got up early to take his car to the dealership for regular maintenance. When he left, I got up. I read e-mail and jumped on the rebounder. Interestingly, since I had three amalgams removed, I have not had any trouble with leakages while jumping (or sneezing, laughing, etc). Finally a cure for incontinence. I did four tapping videos, then I wrote a check to the Dixon meat people. I grabbed my cooler and checked the map. Chris pulled in as I was leaving. I found the meat truck in a church parking lot 14 miles away. It was bitterly cold and I did not need the cooler. I hope the eggs didn't freeze. On the way back I stopped at a HUGE Kroger. I found raw organic cheeses there. I could have spent all day looking at their wonderful selection so I had to hide my eyes and repeat "Don't look, don't look" as I proceeded to the self-check-out. I went home in the driving snow and put all the frozen meats and the eggs in the refrigerator. Today is a sewing Saturday, but I did not have any projects ready to go. I ate breakfast, read e-mail and listened to audios. Chris did several loads of laundry. I put borders on the stack-n-whack quilt. That cleared my cutting table so that I could cut up the posterboard to make trumpets for the kids in Sunday School. I could not find the directions, so I just guessed. All the trumpet-making materials went into a bag (not a grocery bag) for the trip to church tomorrow. I put the finished green and brown baby quilt in an unused grocery bag that I grabbed at Kroger. I figure if check-out lanes are among the germiest places, then the groceries on those belts must get pretty germy too, and that would contaminate any bag those groceries are putin. The quilt and my choir folder went in the car. Chris started gaming around 5. I came up for supper, which was a large salad. I ripped the big veins out of the kale to make it easier to chew. I laid down to meditate and might have fallen asleep. I did an internet search for the effects of electrical charges on teeth. These charges come from metal in fillings. One article had a long list of effects of mercury/electrical charges. I have nearly all of them. Scary. When Chris was done gaming, Michele Skyped me. We had a lovely chat, until I realized how late it was and I need to get up on time tomorrow. Chris went to bed and I have to find a pic to post. Maybe in the morning.

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