Monday, March 11, 2013

Saturday night I was unsure whether my phone would ring, or ring at the right time, or wake me up, etc. So I hedged my bets by drinking a glass of water before going to bed. I woke up at 6:30 (according to my cell phone) and rolled over to go back to sleep. But then the phone rang. It was William. He said it was 8:30 his time. Apparently my cell phone did not change to DST. I told him the problem with the headphones and he advised me to clean the jacks with alcohol. Then I called Chris to see if his phone was aware of the time change, and it was. So I got up to eat breakfast, skim e-mail, shower and dress for church. At 9 my phone alarm rang. It was an odd mixture of ringing and music. I left a little late, but in time to get there before 9:30. As I was passing the big church, the cop walked into the street and held his hands up to stop traffic so the church bus could get out. I slowed down but could not stop before I passed him. At that point I figured I was in the way of the bus, so I continued on to church. Halfway there, I found the policeman behind me, pulling me over. He was not happy that I hadn't stopped. He chewed me out then let me go on to church. There was no one in the sanctuary for Sunday School when I got there. I got the room set up, then went back to the sanctuary where they were starting. I had two kids for class. They each made a trumpet. Then I showed them how to paper-fold the cubes. Time was called just after they knocked down the wall of Jericho. During the second half of Sunday School, Susan approached me about joining a committee to have new kneelers made for the communion rail. My big mouth opened to say I could make them. She introduced me to the one committee member and we made plans to go fabric shopping on Wednesday. Twist my arm! I went through the church service alone. Chris wasn't there, and neither was Shannon and her family. After church, Susan and I examined the kneelers. One was dirty but the others seemed fine to me, especially for being 20 + years old. On the way out, I offered my best wishes to the pastor on the upcoming operation for his wife. We talked of energy medicine and he indicated that he would like to pursue the conversation further sometime. I went home to change my clothes, read e-mail, practice my trombone and have lunch. At 2:30 I drove towards my newest quilting group. When I was almost there, I passed a Lowes and turned to stop in for some nails. The 2 1/2 inch seemed to be the right length, but they only came in 8d. So I bought 8d even though I would have preferred 4d. I met the other ladies in the storage facility. We talked and saw what the others were working on. It was after 6 when we broke up, but it was broad daylight outside. I drove home. After supper I read more e-mail, and started a long pdf by Weston Price about his studies of dental health and nutrition in aboriginal tribes. The main point seemed to be that those who ate their natural diet had less than 1% tooth decay and those who had access to store-bought food had 16 to 50% decayed teeth. Wow! I was so tired that I went to bed without blogging.

Monday morning I woke up at 8:30. It was rainy (what is the point of DST if the sun isn't shining?). I did not feel good. I really toyed with the idea of not going to Monday quilting. I read e-mail, did some tapping and practiced a little bit. I did not want to take out my machine in the rain, so I put some fleece strips in a bag with a large crochet hook and went. Very few ladies came since the others were at a retreat. I had forgotten about that. None of the rest of the ladies brought their machines either. I crocheted and listened to them talk. About 1:30 I left so I could be home when Chris arrived. But when I pulled in, I could see wet wheel marks in his space. I figured he had gone grocery shopping. I fixed breakfast and he arrived before I finished. He put the food away. We both spent time with our laptops and then with each other. We took a nap. When we got up, it was supper time. I fixed a large salad and he made hamburgers. After my salad I was too full for a hamburger, but I ate one later. I switched the receiver in the bedroom for the one in the living room because the headphone jack worked better. Cleaning did not help. But the plug on the CD player was polarized and would not fit in the back of the receiver. So I went through the boxes in the basement allotted to electronics that William bought me. There was a Denon receiver in there. I needed Chris to pull it out of the box. I hooked it up and it played through both sides of the headphones. Yea! Then I used the box of nails to more firmly attach two pieces of wood that hold a drawer front to the cabinet where the stove top is. About 8:30 or nine we went down to watch home-recorded VCR episodes of Star Trek TOS. At ten we came up to get ready for bed.
* Here is a pic inside of my greenhouse. That tall plant is a turnip. *

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