Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Name that tag

I began the day in the usual way: practice trombone, exercise, tap, read e-mail, eat breakfast. Chris reminded me by e-mail to take the ground beef out of the frig to thaw. I took a shower. Although the day started out cold, it warmed up quite a bit. I was able to read a kindle book on my tablet outside barefoot. It was a book on tapping for procrastination. So then I brewed another batch of kombucha, which had been put off since yesterday. I spilled the tea on my shirt so I had to take it off and rinse it out, and find another shirt to wear. I made up eight days worth of vitamins. The Swanson supplement order arrived just in time. I checked e-mail again. It was supposed to be for a short time, but I ran across the term Pythagorean monochord and had to research it. Did you know that Pythagorus was into healing with music? And he mathematically calculated the cps for all the notes in an octave? There is much more to read, but I wanted to finish projects already in progress. I quilted a small sandwich, bound it, and sewed a ribbon on. Then I ironed on my name tag. Chris made hamburgers for supper. I ate two, then went to choir practice. William called just as practice ended. I guess he thought I would drive home while talking to him, but I stayed in the lot until after everyone had left. Then I told him I had to hang up and go home. Chris wasn't ready to watch TV yet, so I went downstairs to cut more green squares. I should have enough to complete 12 blocks. Then he followed and cued up the next episode of Eureka. There was time for only one episode. Chris went to bed, and I wrote to my blog and deleted handfuls of pics from my camera, whose card is getting full.

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