Thursday, March 28, 2013

Quiet Day

It was a quiet day. The green truck that cuts down trees and grinds them up moved to the next neighborhood. Whew! The morning proceeded in the normal fashion. Then, since it was awesomely sunny, I raked leaves around the magnolia tree. And, since it has been rainy or cold or both lately, I stayed outside to mow as much of the front yard as I could 'till the mower ran down. Then I picked up sticks all over the property. And cut off the monkey grass to encourage new, better looking, leaves. Inside, I boiled some organic eggs, emptied the dishwasher, and listened to some audios. Several of them about the 4 principle tuning systems. I can just barely hear a difference. I put quinoa in a bowl to soak. Chris came home and made himself a beef burrito. I wanted to go downstairs to sew, but couldn't get over the sunlight, so I took a Star Trek book outside to read. When it got chilly, I came inside and read some more. Then we watched several episodes of Eureka before bed.
* This is Cheryl's quilt, sort of. She and another lady took the same class and they didn't like how their quilts turned out so they traded. Pic was taken Monday *

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