Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

I had a hard time sleeping last night due to anxiety over the services. But I did some tapping and fell asleep finally. I woke up before the alarm went off at 6:30. But I didn't get up right away. I was glad to see that daylight was present. I checked my e-mail and posted for yesterday. Then I fixed breakfast and took a shower. I wasn't able to finish breakfast before I had to hustle to get dressed and leave by 7:30. I arrived at the church on time, at least, by 7:45. But not all the brass players had arrived. I had time to warm up just a little before the organist started the prelude. We were all there when the service started and it went just fine. The 8am service was not well attended so communion went faster than expected. The choir was supposed to assemble by 8:55 to sing at the end of the service but we had to sing a little earlier so a few people didn't quite make it. Still, we sounded good, even if she made us sing acapella on the second verse. After the service, I checked out the craft supplies, looking for beads for the creation story. All I found were stars. I thought of using perler beads to make the items needed, and I found perler beads, but no bead board to hold them during the ironing process. I talked to Shannon and she said the dollar store had them. I also talked to Marilyn. She said she has a performance degree in trombone. But she doesn't want to play in church. I found out that the older trumpet player used to teach math. All these conversations happned in the fellowship hall where fruit and muffins were being served. I did not have any since I didn't want to get bits of fruit in my instrument. Then we gathered outside to staple flowers to the cross. Soon it was time to sit in place at the front waiting for the second service to start. I saw Chris come in, and a friend of mine from the Monday quilters. She came just to see me. And to worship, but she could have gone anywhere for an Easter service. First the choir sang, and then the ensemble played, and then we sang again, then sat in the pews for awhile, then played again, left for communion, and played again later. (I did not take communion at the second service because he was handing out pieces of bread and it left a crumb in the communion wine when I dipped it in the cup at the first service.) It all worked out. Bertha came by to talk to me after the service. Then on the way out, the pastor's wife entertained us with a story from Florida. I think there was one other person we talked to, and then we went home in our separate cars. I finished my breakfast and had some lunch. Then we went to Publix for groceries, but they were closed. So we bought our groceries from Kroger instead. After putting the groceries away, Chris put a roast in the oven. He fried some bacon and used the fat to coat 4 potatoes. I finished my Star Trek book and did a 16x16 Sudoku puzzle. I checked e-mail. AKO informed me that my password had expired, as it does every 5 months. Getting into the system and changing the password was lots of fun (not) as always. We ate some of the roast. I folded laundry. We watched several episodes of Eureka. And Chris, my wonderful husband, had the next season ready to go when the last one ended with a cliffhanger. Now he has gone to bed and soon I shall join him there. It has been a long day.

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