Saturday, June 1, 2013

A day for eating

Again, when I woke up, it was 10 and my parents were already at the breakfast table. Mom was drinking Ensure and taking her pills. I kept an eye on the TV to see a man from CraigsList get his hair cut on the Kelly and Michael show. I took over feeding Mom. I put some coconut oil in the Ensure and gave her a packet of the liposomal Vitamin C. She ate yogurt too. When she said she was full (I about fell over from shock), I got dressed and made my own breakfast. Dad was worried about Mom's credit card that needed activating. I handled that and got them to issue him one too. She had to give them verbal permission to do it, and she did. Then Dad asked me to put some green bean stew through the food processor. That went well and Mom ate some. I asked her what else she wanted and she asked for chicken. So we cut up one piece and it 'processed' well. I ate the second piece. When I fed her some of the first piece, she asked for salt. Dad brought out another jar, this one with peas, potatoes and chunks of beef. Into the processor it went. It made another fine mess. Mom ate some of that too, and said she was full. When the excess food was put away, I rinsed the processor and suggested to Dad that we move the bread machine up to the attic to make more space for the processor. So he took it up the rickety ladder into the attic. After that there were a few more things to do, like packing and taking Mom out for fresh air. She was uncommonly lucid. I tried to post to my blog, but the laptop was not cooperating. I helped Dad put gauze on his knee and wrap it with an Ace bandage. It must have been about 5 when we said 'Good bye' and drove away. We went to Chris' parents house. They were at a retirement party. I was so tired that I laid down on the couch while Chris fixed himself supper and read e-mail. Then he rubbed my feet for awhile. When I had some energy, he got a few things out of the fridge for me to eat. His parents arrived after 8. The four of us sat around the table discussing events of the week, and other assorted topics. Cecily went to bed, and Al followed soon after. Chris and I stayed up to look at e-mail. I had almost 300 unread e-mails and deleted about 100 of them. Chris went to bed but I stayed up to answer e-mail and make three postings to my blog.
* yet another pic from Paducah. I think I am caught up on my blog now, but might have left stuff out on account of posting so long after the facts. *

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