Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A special find at the grocery store

I was having a dream about trying to watch a movie and getting interrupted by various people. Although wakefulness kept poking at me, I shoved it away to get back to the movie. Finally I had to give it up and get up. It was almost 9. Dad had been up for a while. But he said he got 6 hours of sleep. I did my morning rituals while he did his and went to Fresh Market for bananas. Then we went to a bank. He moved his name from beneficiary to principal on one of Mom's CD's. Then he got an EIN for her estate. We went to another bank to cash in Mom's CD and bring it to the first bank where we opened an estate account and put the money in. They also printed out some deposit and withdrawal slips for him for free. They were so nice. Then we came home for supper since the process took all afternoon. Dad took a nap. I put pictures away and read e-mail. I got out the chicken leg from Cecily's house and discovered that I had grabbed the wrong frozen item. It was a pork chop – and a really good one. I ate most of it and saved the rest for tomorrow. Cecily called to find out when I was coming over Friday evening. Michele told me the dentist said she has no cavities, but needs two wisdom teeth pulled. It will have to be done in Korea. She also said Cecily is taking her to the beach tomorrow. When Dad woke up, he ate something and got his shopping list and we went to Martin's. He did not want to leave me at home where I might imperil his cardboard kingdom for recycling tomorrow. Even though he did not have Mom to push around, it still took him a long time. When I thought he was almost done, Patrick called to find out when he would be home. Dad said he could not guarantee we'd be home in an hour. ?!?!?! But he was right. Whereas I read labels before I buy, he reads expiration dates and obsesses over them: crackers, yoghurt, canned foods, bottled drinks, etc. I found young coconuts like the ones at the commissary in Korea. I was so thrilled that Dad said I could have two! But I only got one. When we got home, he spent 10 minutes backing the car around all the other cars in the driveway and parking it just so. I brought the bags in and he put stuff away. Patrick came over to get his coins, some kimchi and a boxtop. He stayed to talk. Then I skyped Chris before he went to bed. It was after 11 when Dad started processing the recycling pile. I decided to blog and go to bed since there was nothing I could do to part him from his beloved boxes. 
*  The second pic is one of a magnolia which has been pinned to the wall as if a warning to other trees inclined to be troublesome.  Both pics taken at the botanical gardens  *

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