Thursday, July 24, 2014

Preparing the garden to live on its own

I woke up long before the alarm, but did not get up until just before. I kept thinking that I must have missed it. I plugged in the router and looked for a book that seems to have disappeared. I exercised, then collected the recyclables and put them out for pickup. I checked my spices for gluten because an audio named spices as a source. I meditated, and worked on a Sudoku puzzle. I emptied and brought up a large suitcase from the garage. I called Dad to wish him a happy birthday. I picked a cucumber that I have been watching for a week. I tied up some errant tomato branches. I looked up ways to opt out of Obamacare. I juiced all the cucumbers and made popsicles. I know Kelly won't help me eat them. I drank the extra juice and meditated again. I flipped through Marjorie's living trust, and then went to sewing. I returned the living trust to Marjorie. I set up my machine and put borders on a scrap quilt. Betty told us her husband softens PVC in the microwave and molds it. I came home, and laid in sun. It went behind a cloud but the cloud was small so I waited it out. I started preparing breakfast, measuring the cacao, spooning enough out for my trip. I got hungry so I ate the rest of the fish. I did more measuring before packing food in a box. I made the call I have been dreading, canceling the first ride to the airport. I gave up on measuring, finished making breakfast and ate it. I skipped the rest of the measuring. I listened to audios, and looked up sprinkler timers on the Home Depot website and Amazon to get reviews. I stopped by Great Clips for a hair cut, then went to Home Depot for a hose, a splitter and a timer. They only had the brand with bad reviews, except for an expensive intricate model of a better one. But the sales man said he had no returns on the lower model so I bought it. I planned to it tomorrow to make sure it works, and that the water isn't running for two weeks. When I got home, I unrolled the 100 foot hose. I programmed the timer, attached it to the faucet and turned the water on. It leaked water from the handle. Well, I can't have it leaking 24/7 while I am gone, so I took it off and attached a 5-foot hose to the faucet close to the wall. (It is an odd hose bib) Anyway, that faucet did not leak. I put the timer at the end of the 5 foot hose and then used a splitter to hook up two hoses. More time was spent getting the hoses in place and making sure the water flowed to the proper places. It got dark. I came in and checked e-mail. Chris skyped me while I was listening to an audio on "Functional Medicine Approach to Hormone Rebalancing". We talked for awhile and then he had to go to bed. I stayed up to blog and finish e-mail. I read about self-pay patients and doctors. I anointed the tomato plants. I watered the houseplants really well while waiting for the audio to finish. 
*  These are the four o'clocks  *

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