Saturday, July 19, 2014

SearchProtect is gone! Score!

I woke up before the alarm at 8. I had unplugged the router last night, and that stopped the flow of Symantec messages about Search Protect. I ran a quick scan and Symantec identified a file and deleted it. So I ran a full scan before I turned the router on just to be sure all the risky files were found. I finished drinking the vegetable juice from yesterday. I took a shower. The scan went long so I turned off the wifi on my laptop and turned on the router so I could check e-mail on the desktop. I read e-mail and investigated pyroluria and wondered if I had it. I made breakfast and ran the dishwasher. Chris skyped me. He sent me a link with instructions to uninstall 'albrechto' and that fixed the SearchProtect problem. I started the laundry when the dishwasher was done. I played a video on the dangers of flame retardant exposure. I emptied the dishwasher, and ran a second load of laundry. I picked two tomatoes and a squash.  I scattered all the zinnia seeds that I had bought on a yard sale some time ago.  They were old so I used them all and will take what I get.  I made a salad, and did some tapping for a lady in the hospital, then watched a Netflix movie called “Brave” on TV while I folded the laundry. I checked e-mail again, but there was nothing new. I looked through pics of quilts on Pinterest. Then I went down to sew scraps onto a denim backing to make a rug. Hours later, I was half done. Since I wasn't wearing my watch, I came up to check the time, and it is blog-time.
*  These suprise lilies are the first of their kind to bloom.  The next ones will be in the side flower bed.  *

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