Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cute cukes

My dream receded slowly when the alarm sounded, the hallmark of my usual morning. I plugged in the router, read e-mail and put on an audio while I exercised. Bob called to say he needed to come over and look for an old railing. I was glad he called ahead so I could get dressed. I called Parker but was unable to get through. Bob came over to look for an old railing that the owners thought was left lying under the deck. It was not there. Bob told me about a renter that they had to evict. He even showed me pics of the house as they left it and his trailer loaded for the dump. After he left, I made juice and drank it. I grabbed a bag of fleece scraps and went to the Tuesday sewing group. I talked to several ladies, but mostly sat with Beverly. I did get a pic of an Alabama college quilt. Afterward, I went to get kimbap at the Asian store and topped off my gas tank on the way home.
I ate the kimbap with kimchi. I went to lay out in the sun, but it hid behind a cloud. So I took some niacin, read e-mail, and then mowed the back yard. I sat in my car with water bottle for two hours and sweated righteously. I also ate a frozen banana in the second hour. While I was sitting there, the sun came out but I chose not to fall for that trick. When I came in, I saw that Parker had called, so I called her back and we talked about the 30 day notice letter, and how the renters might refuse to acknowledge receiving it. But she had a back up plan to handle it. I asked about cash-for-keys since Bob explained it to me. But she said it is a little different in NC and she would talk to a lawyer to get specifics. I took a shower, then ate some fish. I sprinkled baking soda in the seats of my car just in case it smells like sweat and I can't tell. I listened to some audios, and read more e-mail. I picked some greens and slathered them in coconut oil and added chunks of tomato. I mowed again, almost finishing the yard when my neighbor came over to the fence. He gave me an armload of cucumbers and a pepper. I showed him my squash plants and he picked some squash. He really liked the one I gave him last week and intends to plant his own next year. I finished mowing and then checked e-mail. I saw Chris was on, so I skyped him. When our conversation was over, I ate a cucumber, and sat in the dark to meditate. Then I looked up how to raise DHEA in a book called “The Hormone Cure”.   Finally it was time to post and go to bed.


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