Sunday, July 6, 2014

Quilts for Linus

My alarm sounded at 7:30, but we did not get up until after Chris' alarm went off. I took my shower last night, so all I had to do was get ready for church. And check e-mail. When we got to church, Joanie (our intern) asked if we would be willing to stand in front of the congregation with her while she announced that Chris was leaving for Honduras for a year and prayed for us. I did not want to do that, but it seemed important to Joanie. She did it during annoucement time and I stood there trying not to cry the whole time. And not succeeding. Then my emotions were close to the surface for the rest of the service. Maybe I should have refused. During the passing of the peace, Jennifer handed me a stuffed horse puppet that needed mending. After the service, I asked her when she needed it done, and she said I could wait until after Chris is gone. Several people offered their support. So I did a difficult thing: I asked for a ride to the airport for the flight to Richmond. It has been weighing heavily on my mind ever since we made the reservations. The answer was yes and he seemed to give it easily, which was a relief because I don't want to impose on anyone who has trouble saying no. When we left church, we went to the grocery store for food. Chris picked out a leg of lamb. When we got home, we put the groceries away. I made and ate breakfast, saving a small bit for later. I finished listening to an audio that I started this morning, then packed my sewing stuff and went to the church where Renegades meet. I turned in the flag quilt and the backing that I pieced together for it. I also gave them the quilt that I bound. They were taking donations to buy quilting books for the local library in memory of Bertha's brother and my mother. So I made a donation. I got to see the books in Barbara's name. I had brought half square triangles to use for today's project but they were just slightly too small. So I picked out some blue squares and strips and got busy. Other ladies made as many as 41 blocks before they packed up. I only made 26, and not all of those got pressed so they don't count. I helped Mirna vacuum the floor before I left. It was a little after 5 and the lamb was in the oven when I got home. I put on my bathing suit and sat in the car in the sun to sweat while I did Sudoku. Chris called me when the lamb was ready. He cut a nice rare slab for me, and it was good. There were sweet potatoes too. And I ate a tomato as a chaser. I did more Sudoku in den and then we went downstairs to watch R.E.D. It is a cute movie with some violence. I had forgotten how much humor was in it. Afterward, we came up to check e-mail one last time and go to bed. 
*  this is the quilt I put binding on.  I wish I could take more credit.  Someone did a wonderful job.  *

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