Monday, January 26, 2015

A day at home

We ignored the alarm(s) and went back to sleep. I hurt all over. But after I got up and did my exercises, I felt much better. I read e-mail and ate breakfast. Then I meditated while Chris ran some errands. I also swept the floors with a broom. The day was cloudy and I was looking forward to sun. I put his bathroom rug out to dry so I could give it a good vacuuming later. I read e-mail and did some tapping. When Chris got back, we took the rest of the yarn to the hammock shop. I scuffed the top of my right foot. It stung while I wove in two balls and Chris did one and 2 rows of the last color. Then one of the MWR folks did the edging with the rest of the ball. He had us divide the loops on the poles into 20 segments which were then tied together with the clews, which he had made himself. We walked back in the strong wind. I was hoping for sun, but not today. I sat outside on the couch to read for a while, but it was too windy and chilly. I opened the blinds in the bedroom for better light and read on the bed until my eyes got tired and I felt like sleeping. Chris was alternately online and doing laundry. I brought in the bathroom rug and tried to vacuum it. The Hoover wanted to eat it. I also did the rug in front of the TV. When the laundry was done, we folded the clothes and put them away, and redressed the bed. Then he heated up some soup for supper. I disinfected my foot. We watched numerous episodes of Criminal Minds while cuddling on the couch. It took my mind off of the fact that my time with Chris is almost over. And then it was time to go to bed.
* This is an example of the beautiful grillwork used to protect homes and businesses from theft. *

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