Saturday, January 17, 2015

the long and winding road

The alarm went off at 6, I was pretty sure my ankle had not recovered, so I washed from the washbowl instead of taking a shower so that I could wear my wedge shoes. I noticed a sunburn on my chest and shoulders. I also noticed a lot of gray in my hair. When did that happen? Ever since I got here, I do not recognize the face in the mirror. Then I got dressed and made breakfast. Chris went to the dining facility. I savored my packet of Vitamin C while checking e-mail, then ate my breakfast. I packed a few last minute things. Chris came back with a banana and some cranberries from the breakfast bar to take on the trip. My phone alarm went off and when I checked it, it needed recharging but I could not find the charger. So I turned it off. Chris found that his cord worked on my phone so he recharged it for me. It isn't much use in a foreign country, but I will need it when I get back to Huntsville to call my ride. I finished checking email, and we picked up our baggage and drove it to meet the van at the front gate. With our luggage stowed in back, we took a seat and waited for the others to arrive. There was a young lady and two young men. We started off on a six hour harrowing journey. Apparently using the oncoming lane for passing is common. We passed many ruins, but they were still inhabited. No point in fixing a place up -it is more of a target for thieves. I tried to get pictures of the cattle. They reminded me of the 7lean cows in the bible. There was plenty of grass though. We thought we were close, but the last part was so windy and full of potholes that I was getting sick to my stomach and it seemed to go on forever. At one point we had to stop and give a donation. Then the police stopped us to check our ID. When we got to Copan Ruinis, our driver got lost. But he made a call and soon dropped us at our hotel. The others in our group wanted to see the ruins today, but I was having too much trouble walking. So we went to a nearby restaurant for their cheese sampler platter. It was very good and we enjoyed talking to the people at the next table. A young girl approached us selling corn husk dolls to support a charity. We bought one. We were approached at least 4 more times while we sat in the restaurant. Then we went back to the hotel. Chris took some pictures of the hotel with my tablet. They gave us some ice for my ankle. The others returned from the ruins. Chris went out to eat with them. I wasn't hungry and I did not want to walk more than absolutely necessary. But I REALLY wanted to go out. Instead I sat at a table in the courtyard and read a book. Then I went back in the room to write to my blog. I had taken notes this morning and emailed them to myself, but I could not get the tablet to copy/paste it to my blog. Chris came back from dinner and helped me. The swearing must have made the difference. Then I finished my blog post and let him have the tablet to check his email. Can not post a picture with the tablet. Pics were posted 2 days later by laptop. Don't ask me why the pics posted differently than before.

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