Friday, January 9, 2015

under cover kale

I thumbed my nose at the alarm and got up at 8:30. I checked e-mail, then laid in the sun, swishing. Wearing my heaviest coat, I uncovered the kale so the sun could reach it. Parker called. She said more debris got caught in the sump pump, but no one is sure where it came from. I put a check in the mail. I picked up trash someone left in my front yard. I took notes for Chris. I exercised, and juiced, and meditated. The postman brought me packages, one was a 2015 calendar which I hung in the kitchen. I made breakfast and ate breakfast. I collated the bills from 2014, then went on to 2013 and then 2012 and even some from 2011. I generated huge piles of paper to be shredded or recycled. I listened to the audio book as I worked. I was also able to bake sweet potatoes for supper and defrost a piece of fish. I covered the kale for the night. Chris skyped me as I was taking a break to check e-mail. After he hung up, I went back to it. At 11 I had gone through the whole stack and collated most of it. There were still some things I did not know what to do with. It was time to go to bed.
*  The blue drape goes on at night to hold in more heat  *

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