Tuesday, January 13, 2015

More packing, more panicing

I woke up early because the bed got too hot. The sheet wasn't enough without the comforter and the comforter was too much. Back and forth, until I began to see daylight creeping around the blinds. Chris called about 6:45, and I got up. I was sitting by my HappyLight when my alarm went off at 7. I called Beverly to confirm that she will pick me up tomorrow. I did my Wednesday detox. I tweezed my eyebrows and used a facial scrub. I put a hold on the mail. I exercised and took extra vit C. I juiced and meditated. I stacked the dishwasher. I printed out my plane tickets. I called my dad to tell him I wouldn't be in touch for the next two weeks. I made two breakfasts and ate one. I drank 3 glasses of warm lemon salt water. I got the mail and e-mail the bill amount to Chris. I added some essential oils to my neroli spray to ward off mosquitoes. I figured there will be plenty of chemical spray available in case, unlike American mosquitoes, Honduran ones LIKE these essential oils. The mixture smelled fine until I added the neem oil. I forgot just how bad it smells. Ought ward off every insect within miles. I added more items from my international packing list. I spent an hour choosing what to wear on the plane. I really wanted to wear my turquoise top, but the static in it was so bad that it clung like a second skin. Not a pretty sight at my age. I could not get the static out. I took a shower and then washed a load of laundry. I trimmed my bangs. I put the Christmas lights back inside the kale frame and covered them up. I propped them on bricks so they won't sit in water if rain comes under the cover.  I left a sample of fernented coconut milk out there for a friend to pick up.  It was the only place outside the house where it will be protected from freezing.   I packed and repacked the supplements. There were just too many. I decided to grind some chia and leave the grinder behind. I found an old chia seed bag to put it in so it will be properly labled. I packed my clothes in plastic bags. I skyped Chris to find out if I can buy flax seed and honey there. We did not talk long because I needed to finish packing and go to bed early. My laptop, which had been working fine, suddenly wouldn't cooperate. One window which wouldn't open, was titled “Windows Update” I wonder if that had something to do with it. By stopping some functions from running, I was able to get control back. Ideally, now I will post to my blog and go to bed. But of course I will likely think of something to pack and stay up a little later. Maybe make a list of what is packed in my suitcase? 
*  I believe this is a Linus quilt that Roberta was finished the binding on  *

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