Friday, January 16, 2015

Honduran supermarket

Thursday Chris' alarm went off at 5:15. He shut it off before I heard it. My alarm went off at 7, thinking it was 8 because the last time it got signal was in Atlanta, which is an hour ahead. We took a shower and got dressed. Chris drove me in his Easy-Go to breakfast. It had rained during the night and the seats were a little wet. I teased him about needing to put up the windows. Inside the dining facility Chris greeted the cashier in Spanish and introduced me. My breakfast cost $3.50 so he said I was an expensive date. (His cost $2.50) We stood in line for omelets. He ordered for us in Spanish. Sadly he misremembered what I wanted so there was bacon in my eggs. Then we went by the toppings bar. He got almost all of them, and I got none, except some fried plantain which I think was a side. At the beverage bar I got vegetable juice. I also got fruit from the cereal bar.
After we ate and put up our trays, we took the easy-go to the gym. We walked through the gym, stopping at the bathroom, to go to Finance, but they did not open until 9. So he took me on a walking-tour of the old section of the base. Lots of cute cabins, and mature plantings. I wish I had had my camera. He introduced me to people on the way. We went back to Finance to get limpirah for our trip. We stopped by the firestation to meet Mr. Geckel, but he was out. Then we drove to his office for a 5 gallon jug of water. David asked him for the ignition key to get the easy-go gassed and washed. So Chris carried the jug back to his quarters. We caught the bus into Comyagua. We were dropped in front of a mall. We walked around inside. At a beauty salon, we stopped for me to get my hair cut. Riding in the easy-go always made my hair frizz so I wanted shorter hair. The lady gave me a book to choose my cut. Chris explained to her that I did not need it washed. I thanked her in Spanish and Chris paid. It was less than $10. Beside the shop was Payless. They had the same shoes I got at Goodwill but without the wear and tear. Since Faye had bought me shoes for Christmas, I did not need shoes, but the chance was too good and I didn't think I would be able to come back when I did need them. So I got a pair. Then we walked around the rest of the mall. Shoes, cell phones, and banks were really popular. Next to the mall was a grocery store. We checked my new shoes at the front counter. We shopped for vegetables, and looked for kimchi. Nope. But we did get local honey. And I was impressed with the way the veggies were stacked up. When we checked out, there was still half an hour before the bus came back around. From the bus stop I could see a restaurant advertising soup all day long. Chris helped me read the sign. One of the soups was snail soup. Chris didn't want any, but he ordered a bowl for me. At first it was hard to identify the snails because there were other types of seafood in there and something that had the mouthfeel of potatoes but looked like bananas. Finally I realized that the snails were what I thought were tentacles. They were chewy if not flavorful and the broth was delicious. It came with a small tortilla and rice which Chris ate for me. I left some of the 'potato' behind so we could rush back to the bus stop. We rode back to the base. We put the veggies away and Chris went to the tour office to get vouchers, etc while I stayed behind to sit in what little sun there was, resting my feet in the grass. I got tired of sitting on the pavement and gave up waiting for Chris. I came inside and laid down. When he got back, he laid down with me and we fell asleep for hours. When we got up, we decided to go for a walk. Chris wanted to show me his running path. But we did not walk the whole thing. I took some pics but it was getting dark and starting to rain. We saw wasp nests, a tree whose fruit is made into maraccas, a plant nursery, and military base stuff with alphabet soup names. He showed me a large pointsettia bush, and huge cactus, a cactus growing in a tree, and some epiphytes growing on a tree. We finally got back to his quad. He made himself a burrito and I made an abbreviated version of my breakfast. So many things left behind at home. I parsed my supplements into daily doses. I looked for the probiotic capsule that I brought to ferment coconut milk. But I couldn't find it. Maybe TSA spotted it and removed it? Then we hooked up my computer to the TV to watch a movie. We had rented BARK, which was supposed to be a comedy but it wasn't. We stopped it and played Master and Commander which I had sent Chris two months ago. Then he went to bed and I wanted to go with him, so I left blog posting for the next morning.

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