Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Too cold

I got up about 7:50. My nightgown was too hot and the heat kept waking me up. I swished and read by the HappyLight. I made changes to the Wednesday detox and printed out a new copy. I exercised and drybrushed. I listened to an audio on imagining money as a person and making a good relationship with that virtual person. After juicing, I was going to pack and go to the sauna but it was really cold outside. I created a sauna in the basement with PVC and blankets. I had to move a bunch of stuff around. But when I sat inside in the bathing suit, I discovered that the heater down there turns on really hot and then turns off for awhile. Both on the low setting and on high. So there is no way to have a constant temp. I tried to imagine creating a warm space with multiple strands of Christmas lights, but nothing feasible came up. I read e-mail. I brought in the snail mail. I tried to do yardwork but the cold was too much. I put more layers on the kale. I could see why our choir director announced practice tonight with a clause for cold. I check e-mail again. I listened to audio interviews. I played love songs from the 60's and 70's and sang along. I looked up remedies for SAD: one is going to a sunnier climate. (with a dr's prescription, would the insurance pay for it?) I looked up sunrise and sunset in Honduras. They are having an hour and 17 minutes more daylight than here in Alabama. I finished Walter's pants and give him a call. He said he'd pick them up Monday. I looked through a Pinterest page that I had flagged. I found more songs to sing with. When Chris got home, I Skyped with him. On it said Huntsville was 11 degrees, with -6 wind chill. I am looking forward to Honduras and some tropical weather. After Chris hung up, I sang more old songs. They just don't write 'em like they used to. 
*  For some reason, a huge flock of birds visited my front yard today.  *

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