Friday, January 16, 2015

Made in Honduras

Thursday Chris' alarm went off at 5:15. This time I heard it, but he shut it off and went back to sleep. We slept until my alarm went off. When we got up, he made coffee and took a shower. I did my exercises and washed up. He made his breakfast and I made mine. Then I posted to my blog for yesterday with a little help from Chris' memory. I got started reading my 200+ unread e-mails, and doing my pinky exercises. Lest you think them some form of lazy exercise, I am trying to strengthen them for typing purposes. The coffee smelled really good, athough not such that I would be tempted to drink it.
When I finished deleting e-mails that I did not intend to read, we went to Chris' office, and the chaplains office. Then we stopped by the fire dept again. Next door was the beauty shop, but it was closed. Near that was a juice bar. We stepped inside and I ordered a blackberry, strawberry, mango smoothie. From there we went to MWR, and saw chickens on the way. We stopped by the library to return a movie and get some books to read, and get more movies. We stopped by the PX to get veggies and bandaids because my nylon footies were digging into my ankles. We stopped at Chris' office again. He did something in his office while I sat, chatted, then started reading. We came back to his place to check e-mail. There was still no sun, although it might have been sunny before we got up. I looked up restaurants in Copan trying to find a Korean one with kimchi, but there was not one in the country as far as I could tell. I made a salad from tomatoes and cucumber. I sat out on the patio to eat. Chris brought out the laundry. I helped him water the potted plants. Then the sun came out, so I got a chair and sat in full view of its rays. It got hot, but I was loving it. Later we went out to sign up for the hammock class. We had a copy of Chris' orders. But no one was there, so we sat at a nearby picnic table and watched the roosters strut around. Then two hens came along, and later some chicks. They seemed to have run of the place. When we saw two men enter the building, we went back in. Chris signed me up for the class. We had to take the paper to two other people and get it signed. Then we went back. The man took me to a cabin where the yarn was stored. There wasn't much left so I picked the colors I liked best from the ones that were left. Then he passed me to another man who took me to another building where many hammocks were in progress stretched between poles. He showed me how to get started and did the first row for me so that the tension and stitch placement were just right. I took it from there. Chris watched. The man watched me make a few rows and adjusted the tension now and again. He did not speak English but Chris could speak a little Spanish and we were able to communicate. Making the hammock was a cross between sewing and weaving. At 5, I hung up the shuttle and we took the as-yet-unused balls of yarn back to Chris' quarters. I checked up on “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” to see if I would like it. Inconclusive. I exchanged my shorts for pants. We drove to the chapel hall where numerous people were eating Chinese food from large tubs. Chris introduced me to several ladies. Then we got some food and sat down. There was a sort of farewell for one young man. Then the movie (Dawn of Planet of the Apes) started. It was sort of interesting except that the words of the apes were written on the screen and I did not have my glasses, so could not read them. When we had finished eating, we went back to Chris' quarters. We checked e-mail and then watched Man of Steel on my laptop. My ankle hurt so Chris left to go to the Px to get some ice. They did not have any so he went to the chapel and came back with two baggies. For the rest of the movie I had ice on my ankle. I do not know what set it off, but standing to work on the hammock probably did not help. I stayed off of it as best I could, learning from previous experience that ice and rest do the most good. Chris tried to help me pack for tomorrow. I shall post to my blog and then do what it takes to get to bed.

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