Saturday, January 31, 2015

Curious and strange

I stayed in bed long after the alarm rang. I was having a dream. I was riding on the back of a truck and my suitcase fell off. So I got off to pick it up and it became two trombone cases. I wasn’t that far from home, so I carried them and walked. When I got there, a man was circling the carport with yellow tape. He said he was going to enclose it , or something like that. I asked if the owner knew about this, and he said yes. Then he put cardboard all over the floor. But he did not have enough so he started using my fabric. I told him no, no, no. I went out to pick it up and it had blown all over the yard. As I was picking it up, he was yelling things at me. Finally I yelled back, Shuuuut uuuuup! Then this couple came up to me and agreed. They had upwards of 10 kids with them, all the same age, about a year and half old. Talk about splitting an egg! I looked for their vehicle to see what could hold that many car seats. That must be when I woke up.
I got up with the idea of doing a vitamin C facial. I drank water and took a shower, and then spread one packet on my face and throat and savored another. I turned on the router and my laptop and read e-mail. I posted to Stitch-its that I wasn’t coming today. Facebook gave me the option of uploading a photo or video at the same time, so I chose one from the Mayan ruins. Sadly Blogger no longer has a video upload. I called Parker and left a voicemail asking her to call me back. I swished. I made a to-do list for today. I took my glutathione, had some colostrum, ate a piece of fish. Then I made breakfast and ate part of that. I watched a video on mental health and diet. I meditated, then fell asleep. I woke up when Parker called. She never got my e-mail answering her questions so I re-sent it. She had to go so we did not cover everything but she will get started on choosing a replacement sink and countertop on Monday. I ate the rest of my breakfast. I took some notes for my blog. I put in a load of laundry, and got the mail. I put new tags on cars, and scanned and e-mailed the old tags to Chris. Then I went downstairs to pick fabrics for projects. While picking purples, I found nuts and powder. Was it squirrels,or mice? I had to pull out all the purples, dust them off and reorganize them and put them back. I also reorganized the larger pieces in the ‘suitable for backings’ pile. I picked fabrics for the Tuesday project, and then planned out the hexecontahedron project. I wanted to stack-n-whack it, and had two pieces of the same fabric but couldn’t quite get 6 repeats. Five was enough though, so I sliced it into 5 12” strips, then cut a 3.25” strip off of one. I cut that into 63 degree diamonds. I had calculated that there was just enough for 12 from one row, but I only got 11. Still, it was a very good start. Then I needed to stabilize each piece so the final project would stand up. I tried freezer paper, but it didn’t stick well enough. I decided to come up for water and to check the pics online. Chris was almost done with his game. So I tried to answer an e-mail while I waited. But something went wrong and Yahoo wouldn’t cooperate. Then Chris and Michele were online to talk to me. We talked for more than 45 minutes. Chris suggested that squirrels brought the nuts in, leaving them in my fabric, and an insect bored it's way out. Michele asked how a squirrel could get in there. I wondered that, too. Then I needed to go to bed because I was falling asleep. After I hung up, I retyped my reply to the e-mail and sent it. Then I finished my blog and went to bed.

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