Monday, November 2, 2015

Closed on Mondays

To stay awake, I kept reading funny Pinterest pins. But my eyes got tired. I checked e-mail and saw that Chris had arrived safely in Singapore. I checked spam and realized that I am no longer getting the message that someone in my area wants to meet me. Was it actually true, then? An actual someone in Huntsville? Anyway, time to go to bed.
I woke up at 3 am. I had to go to the bathroom and figured I could go back to sleep, but sleep did not come easily. I could not turn off the heat in the bedroom to quiet the heater. But I did sleep again because I woke at 6:30. Knowing it was 4:30 pm for my Dad, I got up and tried to skype him. Thinking he might be with Faye, I e-mailed her. I deleted a lot of e-mail and read a few others, then tried skyping again. I supposed he just did not have his computer on. I listened to an audio on toxic sludge. Did you know that manufacturers can dump their waste products into the sewer system, and that that sludge is sprayed on fields and playgrounds, and that the organic potting soil or mulch you buy may very well have these bio solids in it? These bio solids do not have to be labeled, and have industrial waste mixed in. I was shocked. I was listening to another audio when Chris skyped me from Singapore. It was a 20 minute conversation before he had to meet someone for breakfast. I did a few short bursts of sun gazing to reset my internal clock. I read more e-mail, and decided to make it a coffee morning. But I couldn't resist dusting first. I drybrushed and exercised. I listened to a paraliminal on achieving optimal weight. I tried to skype Dad, then tried to skype Kurt to call Dad. I finished the detox, cleaned the coffee utensils, and made breakfast. I perused the Mountain Rose website, and sent a list of items to Kathy who is getting ready to place an order. I got dressed and explored options for carrying boxes back from the post office. I chose a shoulder sack and a long strip of fabric that could wrap around a box as a handle. I walked to the bank but it was closed. So was the commissary next door. I went to the phone store but it was closed until 2:30. I went into the BX. I got some hydrogen peroxide. Then I went to the post office. My plan was to open the mail box and see how many slips there were for boxes. Then I would present one for retrieval and carry that one home. But I had such trouble getting it open (standing tiptoe on a step stool and trying to see the numbers) that one of the clerks got out the contents from behind the wall. There were three boxes and he presented me with all of them. I slipped one into my bag and stared at the other two. Then another clerk offered me a dolly. That was perfect. So I rolled them all up the hill to the duplex, then took the dolly back. I spent a few minutes looking at a wall of handouts and chose a few with helpful Korean phrases. Then I went to the phone store. However, she did not have the plastic cover yet and told me to come back tomorrow. On my way home, I stopped at Housing to see the lending closet and get a list of what needed to be returned. But the man did not know it by that name. He asked my name and when I said “Fern Damour”, he said “Oh, you're Mrs. Damour?” He gave me a sticky note with a phone number to call. When I got back, I opened the boxes. I took out the food items, like tea, and spices and nuts. The cardamom had come open. Something glass had broken. There were coins everywhere. Then I went outside with my kitchen scissors and bare feet. Previously we could have made a case that we were letting the place look abandoned for Halloween. But now it just looked like turkeys lived here. So I trimmed the grass growing in the hedges and around the edges of the house. It looked so much better, but it ruined my scissors. I came in to wash my hands and have a bite to eat. I checked e-mail and did some tapping. I read my library book for awhile. I listened to Oprah and Deepak's latest meditation. I must have fallen asleep. I woke up groggy and made myself post to my blog and go to bed.
* This is my pretty front door, even though it came out dark. I love the sun shining through it. *

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