Thursday, November 5, 2015

Meeting new people

I heard the alarm ring at 7:30. I did not feel like getting up after going to bed so late. I must have been in a good mood because I was thinking about where I could set up my sewing machine when it arrived. I got up before 8, and sat in front of my laptop with a quart of water to drink. I deleted a lot of e-mail that came in over night. I added pics to my blog posts that did not have pics. I realized that I was still signed into skype as Chris. So I signed out and back in as me. Then I saw that Kurt had sent me a video of his new deck. I enjoyed watching it very much. I rinsed my sprouts. I put on a Philosopher's Notes audio and exercised and swished.
Then I made breakfast. Just as I was finishing breakfast, Chris skyped me from Singapore. They had finished early and he was working from the hotel room until it was time to catch a flight back. He asked me to call Jane to see what she wanted when she called him. So after we hung up, I called her and she wanted to take us to see the chrysanthemum festival after church.
Then I got dressed and walked to the post office. I ran into Patricia and we discussed where to buy organic and local foods, and going to E-Mart or LotteMart next Wednesday. Then I went into the post office. The lady checked our mailbox and handed me a card. When I came out, I checked some handouts, but they weren't anything I needed. I decided to take a pic of the recycling and disposal bulletin board. My phone rang and it was Jane, so I got some practice answering the phone. Then I walked home, using the jogging trail. I did not have my camera so I used my phone to take pics along the way, wondering how to get the photos from it.
I checked e-mail and listened to some short audios. I took off my shoes and went outside to trim around the building. When I came in, I got a text that Kathy was on my street and had left some persimmons on my porch. I took my map and phone and went next door to see her. The kids were sliding down the hill on sheets of cardboard. One of the kids asked for another box, so I got one from our place. I talked to the mothers. Kathy marked my map with places we had been. I talked to Linda. She had a sewing machine that needed looked at. So when the other kids had left for archery, she gave me her machine to take home. Was that why I had woken up with the thought of where to set up a machine?
I made a salad with the last of the greens from the commissary. They were on their way out. I washed some of the Korean spinach. I also put in egg and carrots and cucumber. After eating the salad, I cleaned up a bit. I listened to a paraliminal. I finished an audio from earlier and processed more e-mail, getting my unread to under 100. I looked at scrap quilts on Pinterest while listening to brain wave entrainment on making change easy. I sent Kurt his morning edition when my phone alarm rang. Anybody else want one? Dr. Mercola's site sent me a coupon for my birthday so I looked at the products to see what I might want. I fell asleep on the couch doing the Sudoku puzzles for this week.
* Until I can get the pics off of my phone, here is one of lettuce (?) from the market yesterday *

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