Monday, November 23, 2015

Found a quilt shop

I heard a crash in the middle of the night. There went the bathroom shelf. Then the restless leg sensation started. So I ended up sleeping late. I never heard my alarm. I am not sure if it failed to ring, or if I did not hear it because I had stashed my purse in the closet in case we had company last night. Chris got up and had breakfast. I heard him, but was waiting for my alarm to go off. When he came back for his shower, he told me it was 9am. So I got up to check e-mail and have a coffee morning. I did several meditations and listened to an interview. I tried really hard not to scratch my ear, but it itched so much! I made and ate breakfast, refilling various jars which were running out of contents. After eating and cleaning up, I got my map ready. I washed my hair and got dressed. Then I had to psych myself up for a walk in town alone. I don't know why it was intimidating. But finally I made a plan and left. I walked out the main gate and turned right to Admiral Yi circle. I made marks on my map for the businesses there. Then I continued to the street straight across. Several blocks down I encountered a quilt shop! Ok, it was small, and the offering was meager. And the prices were high. But still. I bought a yard at $10. It was the cheapest of the three I picked out. Then I continued on my journey. I found Bapuri and put it on my map. I also found a building with a bunch of signs, one of which was Alpha – which would be office supplies. But it was across a divided street and I did not know how to get there. I walked to the south circle and then to the clock circle. I kind of headed north, then east, looking for Office Depot, but I did not encounter it. I found myself in the everyday market. In two of the shops I got three of the things on my list, and a compass. I needed a bathroom then, but did not know where to find one. I found Daiso and they had the fourth item on my list – an under-the-shelf basket. But no bathroom. I headed back as fast as I could go. I presented my pass at the main gate and then Myra was there, offering me a ride. I accepted. She had been driving off post for the first time and was a little shaken by the experience of going through the circle. I thought she was very brave. She dropped me off at my place. I did what I had to do, and then tried the under-the-shelf basket on the medicine cabinet. But the cabinet was not deep enough for the basket to fit. I got very frustrated because it seemed I had spent a fortune on organizers and they just didn't work for one reason or another. I turned the under-the-shelf basket and the stick-up basket every which way until one was hanging off of the other. Stable? Maybe not so much. But it seemed to work. I took all my purchases out of my bag and put them away. I jotted notes for my blog. I tried a package of bobby pins to hold my flower ball together. Then I remembered that the project calls for ribbon. Another trip to town . I will be so glad when our household goods are delivered. Then I will have all the 'stuff' I need to solve these problems. I took the bobby pins off, placed lines of glue in all the right places and pinned the petals together again. I did half of the ball and set it to dry, then started on the other half. I did not have enough bobby pins to do all of it. Chris came home. So we had supper, each eating leftovers. Chris put some shea butter over my ear. Then we watched several episodes of Outlander. It got violent and I asked Chris to stop it. Later we watched an episode of Castle where a woman is murdered by 'phaser' at a sci-fi convention. Chris went to bed. I worked tomorrow's Sudoku puzzle, then posted to my blog and went to bed.

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