Monday, November 30, 2015

Beautiful weather

I wore earplugs to bed last night and turned off the heater in the bedroom. That made it fairly quiet. But I kept waking up: either too hot or that restless leg feeling. I got up a little after the alarm and decided to have a coffee morning. I exercised and drybrushed. I boiled water for coffee. I listened to two audios: the first was just a sales pitch and the second sounded like preaching. After the detox, I made and ate breakfast. I put together an Old Navy order since the cyber Monday deal was so good. I got three long sleeved tops for $13, shipped. I dug up a brick from the paving in the front yard. I wrapped it in a plastic bag and took it to the post office. I was going to put the brick on top of the footstool so I would be tall enough to open the mailbox. Someone was using it to sit on to open a very low mailbox. While I waited, I bought stamps and mailed a car title. The staff offered to get my mail because the inspectors weren't here yet. I accepted. On the way back, I called Myra. I stopped by her place to talk and to borrow a square ruler. Then I went home to drop off my mail and the brick. I changed shoes, then met Myra by her apt, and we met Nela coming down from her place. We walked to Daiso, and saw fish being skinned alive in the market. We each got stuff at Daiso, mine included a yoga mat. Then we went to another housewares place and I got haircut scissors. The weather had been a glorious 70, but then the temperature dropped. I got cold so Myra lent me her jacket. We walked back to base, then we split up, and I came home. I found a paper in the door saying the power would be out from 9 to 5 on Wednesday. We had tentatively planned a trip to Daegu that day. I rinsed the nuts from breakfast and ate them. I read e-mail and spent way too long researching lypospheric GSH. Finally I placed an order. I ate two apples. I finished the turkey from Thanksgiving. I put on music from Youtube – a collection of tv show themes. I made hummus. But I couldn't find any garlic. I used some garlic powder, but it wasn't the same. I added some turmeric, which was good. But it really needed fresh garlic. So I left it in the blender container until I could get to the commissary. I made and refilled mixtures of seeds, and spices. I played another collection of TV show themes, stopping occasionally to look up a show or a cast member. Chris skyped me from DC, said he'd be working from Marie's house all day. I watched an episode of something with Nell Carter singing with Andy Gibb. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed (with earplugs).
* Here is a pic from the lunch after church *
Happy birthday to me
I'm now 53
This year I contrive
to look 35

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