Friday, November 6, 2015

Uphill from here

I woke up around 7, but tried to sleep again. Then I got up thinking Chris would be here soon. I swished and got out the vacuum. It was full of flax seeds, so I dumped them in the flower bed and then proceeded to sweep the house. I fired up the laptop and deleted over 100 messages.
Chris arrived about 8:30. I am not supposed to talk about what happened next. After that, he put on his suit which he wears to work. I started making breakfast. Then we walked to the bank. We got my name put on the account so I can access it when he is out of town. Then I asked the ladies at the counter about finding things in Chinhae. Chris left. But I had a great time talking to them and they offered to take me on a walking tour on Monday (because the bank is closed). I learned that when you buy a live octopus in the market, they will cut it up for you and you can bring it home and eat it raw within 3 days.
I walked back to the duplex for breakfast. After eating breakfast, I sat on the couch to meditate. Chris dropped by with the last priority mail box, then left. When the meditation was over, I opened the box and put away what I could. Then I sat down to catch up on Sudoku puzzles. Some man called my cell phone four times, each time speaking Korean. I decided that if that number called again, I would not answer it. I finished the Sudoku puzzle for this weekend. I looked for the translation app that Kathy has. I did not find that one, but another one where you type in the word in English or Korean and it writes out the translation.
Chris came home from work. He changed his clothes and we went walking up the hill. I did not realize how far we were going to go, or how much uphill there was to go. Up and up and up, and then there was a work out station – as if all that walking up hill were not enough. And further up and around, there was a very steep downhill slope. I was afraid to go down because I didn't think I could get back up. But Chris said we did not have to. So we went down and continued around. But, where the path left the trees, it ended at construction. So we had to climb around some fenced in building. And so on, until we finally got back to our duplex. Chris was willing to go further but I'd had enough for one day, anticipating another walk tomorrow.
After we got back, I read some e-mail, and then started looking at funny sayings on Pinterest. Why do they always start out funny and later become sarcastic and use bad language? I made a salad and ate it. I washed the dishes in the sink. Chris and I snuggled on the couch and watched a western with Jimmy Stewart. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.
* If you go up high enough, you can see part of the ocean. *

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