Tuesday, November 24, 2015


It was another long night. Chris did not hear the strange noises that kept me awake. He got up when my alarm sounded at 7:30. I stayed in bed, telling myself that it was so I could stay out of his way while he got ready for work. But after awhile, I did get up and do the usual swish, exercise, e-mail and breakfast. Then I got dressed and walked down the hill where I met Myra and Nela. We walked around base and then stopped at the phone store. The lady was able to identify spam on my phone and block it. We looked around the BX but there was nothing there we wanted to buy. Then I went to the bank to get Korean money. The ladies there were so friendly that it took a long time and my friends were waiting on me. Then we went to Nela's house to look at her patchwork project and sewing machine. The bobbin tension was too tight but none of us had the right screwdriver to loosen it. We sat and talked for a long time. Nela showed us all the cute things she has knitted for sale. But we didn't know how she could advertise or where to sell. Then Myra and I left because Nela was going to the school to help with the color run. Myra went home for breakfast and I went home for lunch. Chris was just leaving when I got there. He brought me some mail: a birthday card from my dad and a Thanksgiving card from MaryAnn. I closed a few windows in my browser by making some decisions and placing orders. I meditated, then finished gluing the second half of the ornament. I met Myra on the corner. We walked to the school. A lady asked us to make ribbons for gift baskets for the school staff – all 7 of them. We said sure. Nela met us and we walked into town to look for ribbon and baskets. First we went to the place I had seen yesterday. We found a place to cross the street to get there. There was an Alpha store under the street but it wasn't open. But the supermarket was and we wandered around looking at what was for sale. I saw bars of Ghana chocolate marked 'Mild' and wondered what that meant. Then we went to Office Depot. I found some ribbon for my ornament. We saw some floral ribbon, too, but in small quantities. Then it was getting dark. We walked back towards the base. We stopped at the market store near the gate. I got mushrooms and a box of little tomatoes. Nela got a rice drink. It was getting pretty nippy. We came through the base and walked up the hill. The walk made me warm by the time I got home. I washed the mushrooms and put them in a fry pan with butter. When they were soft, I added an egg and put the lid on and went outside to get the food waste container that Chris put out for collection this morning. When the egg was finished cooking, I put it and the mushrooms in a bowl and ate it while reading e-mail. At 7, I e-mailed Chris to come home. I watched Youtube videos to drown out the mysterious sounds. I finished gluing the ornament together, adding a loop of trim. Chris was home by 8, and never got my e-mail. He made himself supper. I washed dishes and put the latest kimchi in a jar and the rest in a cold room. I photographed the ornament for my blog. We watched two episodes of Castle. We had a long talk. Then I posted to my blog and we went to bed.

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