Friday, January 1, 2016

Organizing fabric for the new year

We got up late. I drank almost a quart of water. As I checked out the latest e-mail, I glued the last petals of Sudoku paper together into a flower. Chris went to church. I looked for a nature walk online. I filled two pitchers with water from the shower filter. That was not easy because I had to stand on the shower seat to reach it. I found a nature walk on Youtube that did not shake as it moved. I don't know if the person recording it was walking or riding. I put it on full screen and used the headphones. I was trying to simulate forest bathing. Then I tried it with my grounding cord plugged in. But that meant that I had to unplug the laptop. Later I listened to the last meditation paraliminal. I made and ate breakfast while I read more e-mail. Chris came back from the office. I went to my sewing room, and worked the first three Sudoku puzzles for the new year. Then I sorted my fabric stacks by color, and also the bags of fabric by project or remnants of project. I made ginger tea, and continued until supper. Then I made a salad. I printed out the hummus recipe after Chris spent all afternoon getting the ddesktop up and running. I sorted my scraps by size (was that really necessary?). I wondered how they got so messed up and disorganized. I guess the packer must have dumped them all together. I jotted notes for my blog, We watched Raiders of the Lost Ark. I wrote up my blog post and went to bed.
* Here is another pic from the market in Masan. *

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