Saturday, February 6, 2016

Baby Shower and taxes

I got up after 8 to find Chris already at his computer. He did not want to wake me. I wondered if my alarm had failed to go off. I drank water and read e-mail. I did my exercises in spite of still being sore.
I took a shower and got dressed. I called Myra and Nela to see if they were going to the baby shower. Nela said she was. Nela said Anna was coming, so I put the sprouter and seeds in my bag. I made and started eating breakfast. But at 11 I put down breakfast. I picked up the baby gift bag and headed out. I met Anna walking, so I gave her the sprouter. She told me the house number for the baby shower. I saw Elizabeth get out nearby so I followed her to the house number. There were two ladies in the kitchen. We hung up our coats and stood around talking. Little by little, other people arrived. Several had their babies. There was a Dr. Seuss theme and the decorations were so cute! The food was themed as well. The deviled eggs were green in the center. The drink was ocean blue. There were fruits and veggies I could eat. And other things I couldn't. I enjoyed greatly the conversation, from baby poop to a Daegu trip. There were two games: one was guessing gummy worms in a jar. The other was filling in the blanks on Dr. Seuss book titles. I won the second one. When Kristen opened her gifts, she got a knitted Dr. Seuss hat from Nela which was really cute. Others exclaimed over the hooded baby towel. I think they want to learn to make one. I asked about the Daegu trip and there seemed to be plenty of interest. There was also a lot of picture-taking and baby handling. I got my share. It did not make me want a baby of my own. The ladies trickled out. I was one of the last to leave. When I got home, Chris was working on taxes. I finished breakfast and a few other things. I checked e-mail. I made seed crackers. I sorted a stack of papers into Blocks, Purses, Quilts, Non-quilt projects, Sketches and misc. I had to pause to help Chris with the tax forms online. We searched for papers and bank registers. He got very frustrated. It was not a good day to be Chris. I hope the people next door were not disturbed. Then I resumed the sorting and finished the process. I wrote my blog post, chose a pic to go with it, and went to bed.

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