Monday, February 15, 2016

Centipedes on my mind

I stayed in bed late, with a little help. I got up to drink water and check e-mail. I did most of my exercises before I realized it was time to get ready for class. I washed up and got dressed. I ate some seed crackers, which were still in the oven from last night. They were nice and crisp. I put them away. Myra called to see if I needed a ride. I checked the sewing box to see if it had everything we needed. I added some red fabric since I think we are going to make aprons, and they use a contrasting band. I put a bandaid on my finger. It had a boo-boo that just showed up. I sent out a last minute message to tell the group that sewing class would start at 10. I jotted notes for my blog. Then Cecily and Alfred called just as Myra showed up. I had to leave before they were finished talking to Chris. Myra and I carried my stuff to her car. Then we picked up Nela and drove to the FFTC building where we unloaded our machines and stuff. Thankfully Myra had brought her fabric, because I had left mine at home. I called Chris, but he did not answer. So I messaged him to bring the fabric with him on his way to work. But he must not have gotten it since he never came. Linda brought her girls to class and Elizabeth brought her son. Anna came too, to finish her bag. She also started an apron. The two girls worked on bags. Elizabeth finished hers and made a tissue cover. Nela worked on a quilt. She pinned the top and backing, but had no batting. At noon we started packing up because Myra had to return the car to her husband. But she was busy helping one of the girls, so Nela and I did most of it. Elizabeth and her son helped us carry stuff to the car. Myra dropped Nela at home and then went to my house. We brought my stuff inside and then stood on the porch talking about the ombudsman training tomorrow. After she left, I started coffee, planning a coffee afternoon since all the mornings this week will be taken up. When that was over, I rinsed all the utensils that went into making and straining coffee. I placed another Swanson's order, hoping for a better deal, but there wasn't one. Then I bundled up and took a walk up the trail. I did not go much higher than the exercise station in case it was still wet. I stopped to exercise, then came down the hill and walked back up, then down again. I came home. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail. One was about using Bloc-Loc rulers. I think they are great but way more expensive than other rulers of similar size. I tried making my own by placing two layers of tape at a right angle across my square ruler. It did kind of work. But trying it out did not give me the accuracy I hoped for. I worked on the backpack, measured 5/8 inch and marked it all the way around. I basted it by hand, until my phone rang. It was Chris, saying they had just arrived in Pohang. While talking to him, I spotted a curly thing next to the rug in the living room. I thought it was plant matter so I picked it up and immediately dropped it when it moved. Chris said it was a centipede and that they were poisonous. That really freaked me out. I scooped it up with a piece of paper and dropped it in the wastebasket. Such things should be dead in the middle of winter! I tried to go back to sewing but my mind would not leave the centipede. Every little sound make me think centipedes were crawling out of the woodwork. I went to the kitchen to make a salad and warm up some soup. I hung the calendar on the wall across from my laptop. I watched an episode of The Quilt Show. It featured the Bloc-Loc rulers. I continued my work on the back pack. I finished the outside and started on the lining. I put in a zippered pocket as she requested. I cut a side piece of lining and measured around the front piece to see how long it should be. I sewed the zipper inserts to it. Then I realized it was almost 11 and past time to go to bed.

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