Thursday, February 25, 2016

Getting ready for Fabric Friday

Chris got up early today. I stayed in bed until he left. Then I got up to have some water and check e-mail. Sadly I wasted a lot of time reading responses to a question on Quora – should you gave money to beggars? Most people said no, but do offer food or clothing. If you want to give money, tip someone who has a low paying job, or buy something from a street vendor. I skipped exercises and ate some seed crackers. I made up a new mixture of spices, and then made breakfast while listening to a day 3 tapping audio. I had to pause the audio and my breakfast to get dressed. I grabbed my yoga mat and headed out. But the door locking mechanism made funny sounds and would not lock. I called Chris but he did not answer. I opened the plate and took out the batteries. I checked them with my battery tester and they all tested well. I put them back in and it did not make that sound again. Once the door was fixed, I walked down the hill with my mat, and ran into Scott. He said he needed more chocolate to fully recover. Lily was walking away from the gym with her mat because no one showed up. So I did yoga with Lily until noon. I did stretches and used the stability ball. I also did a headstand against the wall until my back complained. On the way home, I met Chris on his way home with two boxes from Swansons. I called Nela and she said they forgot about yoga, probably since the instructor wasn't going to be there. I finished eating breakfast while talking to Chris. He went back to work. I listened to rest of the audio and the second one. I worked on the hooded baby towel. Myra called to go walking since the day was so sunny. I put some chocolate in a bag for her husband, and a container of collagen. She arrived with stuff to carry home so left it in our foyer. We walked the trail around to the commissary and then to my house. We ran into Kelly. She talked about making food to sell to the extra people who would be here for the exercises. Myra paid me for the trip and got her stuff and went home. I got my ATM card and went to the bank. I deposited the payments collected so far and took out a lot of won for tomorrow. Cory saw me come out of the bank and handed me a back stretcher item. I carried it home. I made a salad and had some cabbage soup, too. I ate the last of the hummus and made a new batch for Saturday. I cleaned up and put away the items from the two Swansons boxes. I finished the baby towel and wondered what to wrap it in. I looked high and low for a list of fabrics for future classes, but could not find it on paper or in my computer. I opened Excel and made a list of people going on the trip and their phone numbers (the ones I knew). I also listed what I want to buy for me and what I want to buy for future classes. I printed it out for tomorrow. I jotted notes for my blog. I rubbed oil in my hair because it was so dry. We watched another episode of Hornblower. Chris went to bed while I posted to my blog.
* these are the pea plants I bought in the market. *

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