Friday, February 26, 2016

Mo-du is an expensive word

We heard the alarm go off, but stayed in bed to cuddle. Then I got up to take a shower. We refilled the water containers. I drank water and made breakfast. I listened to the tapping meditation from yesterday. I took a shower and got dressed. I packed some seed crackers, coconut water, and a seed snack that came from Swanson's. At 7:40 I walked down the hill to Duffy's parking lot. Chaun was already there. Then Akia drove up with her baby. She paid me in won. Others came and paid too. I marked them paid on my list and jotted down their phone numbers. Finally we realized it was after 8 and the bus hadn't come. So I called MWR, and she called the driver. She said the driver was having trouble getting to work so another driver was coming. And indeed, soon a 25 passenger van drove up. We climbed on and loaded the stroller. We were off base before 8:30. It was a long ride to Daegu, but we had fun chatting and sharing information. I did some covert tapping. The driver drove around a lot in Daegu and I think he took some wrong turns. It was 10:30 by the time we got to the market. We got off and trailed along through the streets until we found the right building. Most of us went to the third floor. We split up looking for the 2/yard table. My group found it first. Soon the others joined us. We rifled through all the stacks of flat-folds. I built a stack of my own. When it was time to cut, I told him 'mo-du'. That means 'all of it'. It seemed like a good idea so I would not have to deliberate over whether I wanted one yard or two. But the final price was $128. That's 64 yards of fabric! Most of it was for Quilts of Valor. We still needed fabric for the quilt the school asked for. Yellow was the hardest to find. We perused stalls all around the floor. Eventually we did find a yellow and a blue of the right color. We bought a few other things too. Some ladies went with Akia to look at baby clothes. Others went to find batting. Myra and I found a $3/yard fabric place and I bought a lot there, too.
Chelsea called to say they were waiting for us to join them for lunch. We agreed to meet in 10 minutes. But finishing our shopping took longer than that. Nela called for the same reason. I told her to go to lunch without us, but she insisted we come. Finally she found us, then we went looking for Chelsea and we all went to lunch in the basement. They all had bibimbap and I bought kimbap at another booth, then ate with the others. I was ready to go shopping again but had to wait for them to finish. We stayed there until 2 and I was itching to leave. But we all stopped at the restroom first. Then
Chelsea went back upstairs to get Blue's Clues fabric. Some ladies went with me to get towels and yarn. Those shops were on the way in. I got two sets of towels – one in blue and one in white. Then we moved on to the yarn shop. We asked about prices until we found the lowest priced yarns. I pulled out blue, orange, yellow, white, black, etc hoping to make $50. It was at $48 when Nela suggested two sets of knitting needles for $1 each. That was perfect because it used all the money that Kelly had given me. Then I saw that it was 2:30. So I walked to the bus even though the other ladies were still looking at something. I discovered that Daniele was already there, and the bus was open. I called Nela to let her know we were waiting. Myra wasn't there, but she doesn't have a cell phone so I could not call her. But she arrived with Akia, and soon everyone was present and climbing onto the bus. The nice driver hoisted all my purchases onto the van. Soon we were on our way. It took less time to get home than it did to arrive. Daniele told me all about tapping trees and making maple syrup. Jane called to ask when I would get home because she wanted me to sign her onto post. I told her 5, but we got back just before 4:30. Akia drove me and my fabric home. I called Jane to say I could get to the gate early. I walked down there and stopped to talk to Elisa. Then I waited at the gate. Jane arrived on the next bus. I signed her in and we went to the ATM. She got cash. Then I asked her to read the bottle of gingko drink that Myra had given me. The ingredients were all on my approved list. We walked to the gate and I signed her out. Then I went back to the ATM to replenish my won. I went home to make supper and listen to the Day 4 tapping audios. I scrambled the giant egg. The audio finished and I checked e-mail and started the second one. Chris came home so I shut it off to talk to him. He had had fish tacos at the chapel. He checked his e-mail while I did today's puzzle. I read an article with a surprising finding: The researchers found that leg strength was a better predictor of brain health than any other lifestyle factor looked at in the study. Guess I'd better brush up on my squats. When I finished the second audio, we watched a DVD called Sharpe's Challenge. When it was over, I put my foot in it, so to speak. I congratulated Myra on something she had not been told about yet. I owned up to it and apologized, hoping not to get caught in the same trap. I drank my nightly salt water. I listened to a tapping meditation. Then it was time to post to my blog and go to bed.

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