Sunday, February 28, 2016

Pressing matters

Chris got up soon after my alarm went off. He made breakfast and went through the hymnal to make a list of which hymns he knew. I got up to wash another load of fabric. I checked e-mail and exercised. I saw that Elizabeth was looking for a walker so I posted that I had one. I cut the corners off a second load of fabric and threw it in the washer. I ate seed crackers with a Tbsp of coconut oil. My knee was hurting because I had slept on it wrong. I hoped that in the process of exercise and making breakfast it would work itself out. But every time I sat down, it stiffened up again. So I skipped walking to church. Chris also skipped church because he spent so much time going through the hymnal. Chris put a pot of bone soup on the stove to simmer. I had breakfast around noon. Then I spent the afternoon ironing fabric while listening to audios. Myra called to say she would pick me up early tomorrow. I went back to ironing and Chris went to the commissary. But they must have closed before he got the whole list. When I got out the hummus to mix with fresh garlic, there were no cloves. But I had two bowls of the soup, and I cut up some of the fresh vegetables into it. Chris did laundry and washed the sheets. I made him a loaf of bread. I posted to the community page about sewing class tomorrow. We watched Kindergarten Cop. Chris looked up some of the actresses. Then he went to bed while I stayed up to post to my blog and drink salt water.
* this is the quilt Myra made the day before the shower *

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