Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

We slept in till after the alarm. Chris got up to have breakfast, I got up to read e-mail and exercise. He left a Valentine card on my laptop. It was very sweet. He made a request before he left for church. He told me he could not drive me to church because our Alabama licenses expired in January and we did not get the notices in time. That means his USFK driver's license is not valid until the Alabama ones are renewed. Since the chapel is downhill from here, I suggested we just let the car roll. But he said that stills constitutes operating a motor vehicle. After he left for church, I ate some seed crackers. I took a shower, and put on my robe. I filled two pitchers with water from the shower filter. I folded the clothes and put mine away. I emptied the dishwasher. I blended up the acorns (which have been soaking way too long). Chris came home from church and gave me a coconut oil massage. I fulfilled his request. We slept for what seemed like hours. He got up to make cabbage soup. I got up to make breakfast. I checked e-mail. We filled all the water pitchers. After reading e-mail, we went for a walk. It was a sunny day, but very chilly and we did not go far. When we got back, we ate the soup. I put together a Swanson's order. I did tomorrow's Sudoku puzzle. I made a batch of seed crackers. We watched Con Air with Nicholas Cage. I found my apron pattern for tomorrow. I wrote to my blog, not sure if I was going to bed or working a little on the backpack.
* Here is the back pack so far *

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