Saturday, February 27, 2016

Baby shower

We heard the alarm go off from the warmth of the bed. We stayed in bed. Later Chris got up to talk to the voices. It was a kind of pre-game conversation. I got up to wrap the baby towel. I checked Pinterest for ideas. Then I cut an origami square into a snowflake. I got a sheet of green and a sheet of white tissue paper and wrapped as best I could, but it did not quite cover. I taped the orange snowflake to the top and it kind of looked like a cabbage. Then I competed with Chris' conversation by playing tapping audios while I exercised, swished and make breakfast (including seed crackers). At 11:30 I paused the audio to scrub the tray under my dish drainer. I put the hummus into a plastic serving container. Then I washed broccoli, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and bell peppers. I cut them up and put them on the tray. One head of broccoli did not look good inside – kind of gray. Odd. I left that one out. I nestled the hummus container into the center of the veggies and slipped the tray into the fridge. I got dressed, trying on several tops but not satisfied with any of them. I settled on a blue one. I cut up extra veggies and put them in a separate container. I wrapped the tray in plastic. Chris took a break to help me carry the veggies and the gift to the housing center where the party was. Tables were already set up and there was a place for my veggies tray and for gifts. More people came as we chatted. Anna asked me to give her son piano lessons. Eventually we got in line to fill our plates. I was able to get fresh fruit, veggies, and potato salad as an exception. Maria, the lady of the hour, brought veggies, too, but she made cute little cars out of hers. They were far too cute to eat. She also brought little gel candles to hand out. After we ate, she opened her gifts. Myra made her a quilt with a matching pillow. Ladies started leaving. The rest of us cleaned up. Myra, Nela, Anna and I were the last to leave. We stood outside talking. I found out that I have to make an appointment at Housing in order to return our loaner items. Our little group broke up at 5. when I got home, I ate an apple and checked e-mail. I sorted my fabric and put a load in the dryer. I put the buckles on the backpack, but was not satisfied with them. I adjusted the straps to a relative position with pins. I finished the tapping audio from earlier. I ate some chicken legs that Chris made for supper. We watched another Horatio Hornblower DVD while I washed and dried 2 loads of fabric. We even watched the commentary afterward. Then I checked e-mail one more time, posted to my blog and went to bed.

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