Tuesday, February 9, 2016

FRG meeting

I don't remember when I got up. I listened to an audio from the Metabolism Summit – 1tbs or more of coconut oil will raise metabolism 40% or more for 24 hours. I swished, exercised, drybrushed and mad coffee. I listened to some relaxing music and tapped. I ate some seed crackers with coconut oil slathered on them. I grabbed my yoga mat and walked to the gym. Our instructor was tired, so I think she took it easy on us today. After yoga, I was walking toward the commissary with the ladies when we saw Chris walking with packages from the post office. So I left them and came back with Chris. He had a form for me to sign. I made breakfast, and opened the Swansons boxes. I ironed strips for QOV, then took some apart and resewed them so the strips sets would be closer to the correct size. I got the pieces ready for tomorrow. Then I worked on Suk's backpack. I had to stop at 5:45 to bundle up and walk to the FRG meeting. Nela came along. Chris was supposed to meet me there, but he came in late. It was a good meeting. The only thing I volunteered for was to clean out the FRG storage unit. They mentioned wearing a mask, and I don't have one, so I may be sorry later. Myra volunteered for some stuff that may end up involving me. After the meeting, we chatted and then I walked home with Chris. We ate leftovers. I did today's Sudoku puzzle. It got late. Instead of a movie, we watched two episodes of Big Bang Theory. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.
* Here is a pic from sewing class yesterday *

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