Monday, February 1, 2016

Trip to COSCO

I got up shortly after 7. I checked e-mail while drinking water. I did my exercise routine while Chris showered. Then I washed up and got dressed. Chris left for work. I listened to an audio while eating some seed crackers. They tasted burnt and I wondered how that happened. I put on my shoes and looked out the window. Nela called to ask if I was ready. So I put on my coat and walked outside. Anna drove up with Nela and Myra. I got in and we were off. Off to Cosco. I thought it was in Changwon but it was in Busan. So close to the fabric market and yet so far away. Anna had to be back by noon so there wasn't time to find the fabric market. We followed her around the two story store. The items there were no cheaper than here in Jinhae so I did not get anything. But Anna got lots of meats and other foods. When we got back, we dropped off Nela first. Then Myra and I helped Anna carry in her food. She had a plant kit growing herbs under a light. She gave me some dill to take home. When I got home, I put it in the water with the sweet potatoes. I made and ate breakfast. It wasn't until Chris blew his nose that I realized he was in bed sick. I called Myra to go walking. We stopped at CYP to talk to Terra. She gave us a tour. She wants us to do activities with the kids. She gave us papers to fill out for the obligatory background check. Then we went to the post office. I picked up our mail including a box from Swanson's. Then we walked off post to the small market nearby. I was looking for pomegranates but they did not have any. Then we came back. I went home to check on Chris. He was still in bed. I listened to interviews while cutting out pieces for the backpack. I made up supplements for the week. I tried to eat salmon, but was just not hungry. I guess eating fat for breakfast really works. I made hummus, and cleaned up some in the kitchen. I did tomorrow's Sudoku puzzle. I cleared e-mail. I tapped for tying up all the loose ends of things I have started. I put out the food waste, even though it is not supposed to go out until morning. I have forgotten it twice now and the smell isn't getting any better. I unpacked the Swanson's box and put the castor oil gelcaps in the freezer. I looked up castor oil packs. I checked off my accomplishments from the list. I still had to finish the backpack and do the second BOM for January. I tied up a few loose ends. I prepared to do a castor oil pack. Then I drank some baking soda water, posted to my blog and went to bed with the pack.

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