Thursday, February 4, 2016

Tendon soup

I got up at almost 8. I drank water and listened to an audio. I swished while exercising. I started making breakfast for later. I ate some seed crackers. Then I got dressed for yoga. I did something in my sewing room. I investigated the timing on the damaged machine. I put the iron caddy project with my yoga mat, and put a quarter cup of broccoli seeds in my extra sprouter. I tried to adjust the timing. I looked up on internet, and watched a short video, but then had to leave. When I got to yoga, I had to go to the bathroom, which was outside because the renovations were still going on. We did some forearm stands against the wall, as well as the usual lunges. My legs did not want to hold me up after the hour. I gave Myra the iron caddy packet. The seeds were for Anna but she did not come.
When I got home, I finished making breakfast. I watched the Secret Life of the Sewing Machine on Youtube. I swept the floor. I read e-mail and listened to an audio. Jane called to say she was at the gate and needed to be signed in. I took a moment to quickly clean up in the kitchen and scrub the sink in the bathroom. Then I bundled up and walked to the gate. Jane was waiting outside since the man at the desk would not let her wait inside. I signed her in and we walked to my house. We had snacks in the kitchen. I made peach tea which we both enjoyed. Then we went to my sewing room to finish the project she started last week. While she pinned, sewed, and pressed, we reviewed the Korean numbers. I wrote them down the way they sounded, and she corrected me on a few. When she finished cutting out the blocks, I called Chris to ask him to drive us to the gate. While he was walking home, she called the chaplain to tell him we would pick him up to sign her on. He said he'd meet us at the gate. Well, he got there before Chris got home and he called. We hopped in the car as soon as Chris arrived and picked up the keys. When we arrived at the gate, she and I jumped out. I signed her out and Chaplain signed her back in. Then Chris drove all of us to the chapel. They got out and we went home. Chris loaned me his leatherman, but the head was too small to turn the set screw on my sewing machine. I heated up tendon soup for supper while Chris made a burritto. I ate the last half of sweet potato with my soup. I could not finish the soup so I put the rest away. I read e-mail and listened to an audio. I looked up CD rates. I jotted notes while waiting for Chris to be ready to watch the last episode of Castle. It turns out he was waiting for me, waiting for him... We watched it and all the extra stuff on the DVD before sealing back in its red Netflix envelope. And then it was way later than we planned to go to bed.

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